@Chaosfux @frachtschaden Armin Maiwald⁉️
Der_Postillon Spanische-Grippe-negativ: Bayerische Urlauberin (115) erhält endlich ihr Testergebnis von 1919
FMiedreich @OomenBerlin Algemeines Verständnis für die Notwendigkeit der Maßnahmen erfordert persönliche Betroffenheit. Dazu muss jeder jemanden persönlich kennen, der an Corona verstorben ist. Wir schaffen das!
mayalbarzilai 🚨Reminder🚨 that PhonPUUL is here to help us include data from minoritized languages in our phonology syllabi.
If you have data from minoritized languages that you can contribute, please do so!
If you're writing a phonology syllabus, you can check PhonPUUL for data sets! twitter.com/mayalbarzilai/…
jkleske Das ist sehr…ehrlich?! twitter.com/wolfiechristl/…
RomGothSam So, we start from this lovely place. 'Women shouldn't have to use male pseudonyms to get published'. What we end up with is 'allow to me erase the agency of these writers and completely disregard the complex choices involved in pen-names'.
LindsayPB Frankly that's why I'm quite harsh on fatalism on the left.
They are *trying to demoralise us and make us give up* - it's their entire game plan.
They know that their base is (literally) dying off and that gerrymandering, dirty tricks, and demoralising is how to stay in power.
DieHaende Hoch die Hände, Übelstände
Eilenbrat Als Diplomkaufrau bei Fritt arbeiten (Abteilung Kirsche - Zitrone).
datingdecisions I don't feel like an imposter. Insecure at times? Sure. Anxious about my performance? Definitely. But generally, I know I'm a badass bitch, and no one seems to truly know what they're doing anyway.
zkat__ So to summarize what we know so far, the following teams at Mozilla have been either eliminated or gutted to oblivion:
* Firefox devtools
* Firefox incident/threat management team (?!)
* Servo
* WebXR/Firefox Reality
* DevRel/Community (???)
I guess they're giving up?
tesseralis There are too many people who equate "VC backed" with:
- innovation
- massive growth
- hot new thing
- status symbol
when they should be equating it with:
- skirting regulations
- exploitation
- shoddiness/disposability
- snake-oil
emilymbender I'd say there are three general sources of problematic R(&D):
1- Work sponsored by governments with surveillance, military, etc goals
2- The profit motive in insufficiently regulated envs
3- Work 'solving' 'problems' based on narrow understanding of stakeholders & their values