hllizi Echte Wissenschaft muß völlig konsequenzenlos sein. Ein Buch über DJ-Culture beispielsweise, das wäre echte Wissenschaft. twitter.com/ulfposh/status…
"Diamanten-Paule hat sich viel rausgenommen in letzter Zeit, der steht mit einem Fuß im Hafenbecken."
EmmaSManning - gray is the color of ugly appliances, all-gray cats, storm clouds, battleships, & overcast days (but not nice ones)
-grey is the color of nice overcast days, Harris tweed, & the hair of someone who used to be blonde/light brunette
EmmaSManning Also:
-gray is soft, metaphorical, the kind "I" like
-grey is harsher, sharper, *~*~aesthetic~*~*, the kind "I" like less
9GAG Me when I'm bored pic.twitter.com/SN3gjSrZnj
GabrielBerlin Caring as coping
kuubikyu if you're trans it's only a matter of time before the ppl around you start realizing they're not cis
Bleeptrack Last year, I went backpacking. With a succulent. Thread ⬇️ twitter.com/Bleeptrack/sta…
rachelandrew The number of people who have told me that MDN is a wiki, therefore the community will keep it up to date tells me two things. People do not get the value of professional tech writers. Folk are incredibly optimistic about what "the community" will do for free.
GabrielBerlin Besonders eckige humorlose Follower in Anthrazit haben gute Chancen. 🤝🤝🤝
sadvil The Onion never misses. pic.twitter.com/87P4rtdpqe
alvar_f Die öffentliche Verwaltung und Unternehmen haben sich in den letzten über 20 Jahren GEWEIGERT E-Mail-Verschlüsselung zu nutzen. Und nun weigern sie sich immer noch, statt jemanden mit Ahnung OpenPGP in ein paar Minuten einrichten zu lassen. Dann halt per Fax, unverschlüsselt. twitter.com/horn/status/12…
problemsdog Coding tip: to convert code from C to C#, simply put the capo on the first fret on your keyboard and type as normal.
puzzlereric Wow, his "Be a Hero - Be Boring" posters might be even better than the Mask ones. pic.twitter.com/cb0uIJGBi1
PriyamvadaGopal For people outside Britain. Yes, it's true. They created an algorithm that gave state-sector students lower marks than those who went to private schools. And this fact of which school they went to was part of the algorithm. So more private-school kids can go to university now.
Karl_Lauterbach Guter Text Umweltbundesamt weshalb Lüften von zentraler Bedeutung für die Vermeidung SarsCoV-2 Infektion ist. Umbau Fenster in Schulen und Stosslüften nach 30 min sind wertvoller als Masken im Unterricht. Mit C02 Ampel (50€) kann man Luftqualität messen. umweltbundesamt.de/presse/pressem…
wiase ""SKURRIL"" twitter.com/alf_frommer/st…
moyix Expectation: I'll use GraphViz to plot this callgraph and it will make the structure perfectly clear
Reality: pic.twitter.com/2LYFnac5Qj
smellosopher “Such examples are more than mere medical curiosities. They reveal how the mind works. Flavor is a more familiar experience than loss of one’s limb, however.”
Wait... What do smell and phantom limbs have in common!?
Find out in my essay for @statnews:
niais Harm reduction is real. Have I scheduled in all the things we will push the next government to build back in a way that is 1000% better? Yes.
But y'all, the rush to fascism isn't how the revolution comes.