79% done with Herkunft, by Saša Stanišić: "Im Schnitt alle drei Sekunden wird nämlich ei... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
brynguist My vision for the future of the field pic.twitter.com/Qhwb7DAyyc
emilymbender @brynguist Petition to use ©️ as the symbol for "frowned upon but actually perfectly cromulent" (in the same spot as *, %, # et al)
brynguist Already drunk on the power of being a syntax lecturer, I have decided to convince the new generation of syntacticians that "cromulent" is a perfectly cromulent linguistics term, in widespread use in serious publications. Be the change you want to see in the world,
Shenaniglenns Me [after being fooled twelve times]: I am still unironically not the problem
Shenaniglenns fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on you. you are not very nice.
frachtschaden Dr. Dove Punk IPA
geil gleich mit Standesbezeichnung dabei twitter.com/grasimar/statu…
grasimar Wie lautet dein Politikername?
Dein Vorname ist dein Deo.
Dein Nachname ist dein Bier. pic.twitter.com/jOE3fvnEOe
"Meine Windows-Installation ist morsch."
wellformedness I think it's an enormous bug that Jupyter and Colab swallow STDERR (unless you use a hack like that `wurlitzer` package).
ojahnn 1) Because we're allowed to choose, my colleague @BBonhammer and I decided that our upcoming "Intro to Python" class will be taught fully online. We really want to avoid losing students because the class is too hard or too difficult to follow. Here's how we're going to teach:
@wellformedness We all have a platform we hate, not sure about like
CarterBellaimey Whales descended from wolves*
*ancient wolf like things, but you get it twitter.com/SusannaLHarris…
GabrielBerlin mein Leben pic.twitter.com/rWGQtqjdoy
@frachtschaden @hllizi Wie bei "Du hast dein Passwort geändert" etc.
derwahremawa Einmal Katze sein und einfach alles, was man noch nicht kennt, probehalber erst mal durch die Mundwinkel ziehen
dalcashdvinsky "Spagat zwischen Wissenschaft und Nonsense", vielen Dank für diese so treffende Beschreibung meines, äh, Lebens. faz.net/aktuell/feuill…
@ojahnn heute abend?
@ojahnn boardgame?
@ojahnn ja
tesseralis Uh-oh! You have a sore throat! Is it the air quality, a common cold, or did you get COVID for the third time?
ApothekerDer ...es anderswo einfach so toleriert wird!
Twitter und Co. nutze ich auch als Ventil, um mit der stressigen Situation klar zu kommen. Wer also schon von 3 Maskentweets pro Tag genervt ist, soll sich mal bitte fragen, wie sehr mich 300 Maskenereignisse pro Tag nerven. 3/4
morgan_murphy At this point, “I can’t vote for Biden” is the left’s version of “I will not wear a mask.” It’s a personal choice that could disproportionately hurt the most marginalized people among us, but at least yer doing your thaaang!
EmmaSManning Someone (I forget who) posted a while ago about Joe and Jill being homophonous in some dialects and it seemed weird to me at the time but now I keep relying on context to figure out which one people are saying!
MrJoeMilliano I am a professional pic.twitter.com/jqyWTmb4AT
BayesForDays idk if someone telling you to do the thing is helpful but just do the thing you're putting off doing, friends
derwahremawa Kann das jemand mal eben zeichnen? twitter.com/wiki_irrtum/st…
bastings_nlp We built 🔥 LIT! Extensible, Interactive Visualizations and Analysis for NLP Models. More info, links and video below! twitter.com/iftenney/statu…