GabrielBerlin Warum heißt es Fischsuppe und nicht Petrischale
perseveresther he warte mal, du bist doch das fraßbild des buchbinders!
wzuidema Lots of people talking about ‘explainability’ in AI, but what is required to ensure explainability, and what do we loose if we demand explainability-by-design? And how do we get engineers, scientists, policy makers and the general public to discuss the unavoidable trade-offs?
GonzaloNapoles What if we try to build intrinsically interpretable (recurrent) neural networks? Our paper presenting the Evolving Long-term Cognitive Networks shows one way🤓#DeepLearning #RecurrentNeuralNetworks #MachineLearning #XAI…
peterbreuer Das Reinigen einer Malerrolle unter dem Wasserhahn geht leichter von der Hand, stellt man sich vor, die Beine eines Lamms nach dem Spielen im Matsch so gründlich zu säubern, dass es danach mit aufs Sofa darf.
astefanowitsch 7/
Die #b2908 ist eine Demonstration von „Coronagegnern“.
Sie heißen nur Coronagegner, wenn sie aus der Gegnère-Region in Frankreich kommen. Die anderen sind nur schäumende Ignoranten.
philoso_foster A lot of students don’t know what “office hours” are, and assume it’s limited time for you to be working (which feel guilty for taking up), rather than time set aside specifically for them. I started calling them “student hours” last term instead, and way more students showed up!
etwas in Bausch und Bogen wegschmeißen
tesseralis The game is set up so that there are timed periods where you have to satisfy "orders" and then an untimed period where you can rearrange your stock in a... familiar pattern
TriciaLockwood the real asteroid in the movie “armageddon” is not the rock itself, but the fact that bruce willis does an accent the entire time (40% of the time, when he remembers)
sjmielke With students being able to 0.5x me in lecture recordings... maybe for the first time I won't have to feel bad for going too fast hrhrhr 🧐👀