r_speer E-mail: I'm working gradually on moving my personal e-mail to a Fastmail account on a custom domain.
I like Fastmail. It lives up to its name, unlike Gmail which can take 20 seconds to load, enough time for me to forget what I was doing.
r_speer First use case: academic search. This one's easy. Semantic Scholar.
It's strictly an upgrade over Google Scholar. It does a better job, with a better UI.
Importantly, Semantic Scholar accepts trans authors and their ability to change their names, which Google Scholar doesn't.
r_speer Of course DuckDuckGo's big selling point is tracking, and how they don't do it. It's also been refreshing to be able to search something on DDG because I want to know what it is, without Google deciding that it's my new favorite thing.
Also, it doesn't use messed-up "AMP" links.
r_speer Google Search is now designed for a different use case, where you want to be able to ask a vague question and get it answered by a dim-witted but omniscient AI.
There are cases where that's helpful. So I go to Google Search when I actually want that.
r_speer Search: oh right that's a thing Google is known for! It's funny how easy it is to not use Google for it.
DuckDuckGo is good at the thing that Google Search once did: finding relevant Web pages that contain certain words.
r_speer I've been making some effort to de-Google my life, upon the realization that
- Google hates me
- I hate them too
- No corporation should control this many aspects of my life
So here's a thread of alternatives to Google products, but where I try to be realistic.
skglas Da sind wir wieder, im Nachkriegsdeutschland, mit der Geheimpolizei. Mittäterin die @spdde im Justizministerium. Wie fatal. Abwahl für immer. twitter.com/dr_huettl/stat…
circemoskowitz stop telling me i’m “valid” i would like to be a preposterous void that humanity will never understand
mountain_ghosts yes well covid would say that pic.twitter.com/IPVFB8HeiU
SeeTedTalk i think though it's fair to say for the most part we've gone into #nlproc because we think it can have a positive impact on the world. and indeed it's unsettling to realize there are these really big potential negatives. but. here we are. time to grow a little.
SeeTedTalk a lot has already been written about this paper, yet it hasn't even been presented yet (coming up next week at #FAcct2021). i finally read some of the critcisms, and i don't know, it felt like those could have been written without reading the paper (and perhaps they were?).
SeeTedTalk to be fair, these are new issues for many of us.
so what i like aobut the #StochasticParrotts paper is that it gives us a very firm ground upon which to start these discussions, with each other, with our students, and that seems really important.
SeeTedTalk and now all of a sudden nlp is out in the wild, being used, and in many ways not being understood. and the fault for that comes back to us in the research community. if we don't understand, disclose, and explain these issues, how can anyone else?
SeeTedTalk there was a time (not long ago) when we honestly didn't have to think about what effect nlp had in the world, because there wasn't much. it was a classroom or laboratory exercise. it was like medicine without patients, bridges without vehicles.
HadasKotek Calling all linguists: what would you like tech folks working on natural language to know about language? (Keep in mind, people hired for these roles are often engineers, or have degrees in CS and other STEM fields, and don't have a background in linguistics.)
SamsonsHirne Tausche Friseurtermin gegen Impftermin.
@spinfocl War damals an mir vorbeigegangen :D
Primatenpartei (Primat des weißen männlichen Nerds)
zerforschung Falls ihr euch schon immer gefragt habt, warum Micro-SD-Karten so einen Zinken haben: Damit man Gesichter mit tollen Nasen drauf drucken kann. pic.twitter.com/e9id0DCJDn
vagina_museum Gwerful Mechain is the only woman medieval bard with a substantial surviving body of work. As well as praising the underlooked vagina (we stan!) she wrote poems cursing domestic abusers, and bemoaning wives who wouldn't let her shag their husbands (we super stan!)
derphilipp I am often teaching people how to use git.
But this game is a … game changer. What a brilliant way to visualise git concepts and make it playful at the same time: ohmygit.org
Thanks to @Bleeptrack and @blinry
sjmielke The short answer to both is: logistic function/sigmoid, probably.
The long answer is it's not perfectly obvious... twitter.com/sjmielke/statu…
kocienda No software is perfect, so it should build in ways for people to remediate, to nudge the software back on track when things don’t go exactly right. 1/
EmmaSManning Why aren't reviewing deadlines included in the 'important dates' sections on conference websites! Or in emails with reviewing assignments! Or anywhere I can find on START!
astefanowitsch Die Seen sind durch ein Netzwerk aus Flüssen verbunden, die (biologische und/oder soziale) Abstammung darstellen. Sozial weniger wichtige Personen bekommen einen kleinen Teich mit einem Bach, ohne aufklappbares Schiffchen (nehmt das, sozial weniger wichtige Personen!). 2/3
astefanowitsch #followerpower Kind soll einen Stammbaum für ein „Lapbook“ (eine Art Klapp-Poster) basteln, aber mit den Bäumen ist es so eine Sache in Patchworkfamilien... Gibt es passendere und weniger biologisierende Visualisierungen?
markus_schlegel Dass Babygeschrei bei den Eltern so direkt ungefiltert ins Hirn fährt und da alles auf Alarm stellt, empfinde ich als Affront. Dude, ich weiß schon, dass man sich um die Atzen kümmern muss, das krieg ich auch mit normalem reflektierenden Denken raus.
TIL about the scope of Python exception variables: pydist.com/blog/python-ex…
random_walker The debate about the pros and cons of personalized and non-personalized ads is happening in the absence of evidence that the fraction of users who willingly click on any kind of ad is statistically distinguishable from 0.
random_walker The null hypothesis for how online ads work should be that 100% of clicks result from dark patterns like the close button being too small.
peterdhintz Trump steht auf einer Fernsehbühne, die die Form einer SS-Rune hat, und beklagt die Cancel Culture. So viel Selbstparodie dieses Diskurses muss sein.
skglas "Zahl der Menschen über 80 ist deutlich gefallen", hat der Interviewte sicher anders gemeint im DLF
KCEnevoldsen New State-of-the-Art in Danish NLP in NER, dependency parsing, and Part-of-speech tagging. Thanks to @spacy_io v. 3 this took less than a day to train. Check out the story behind it and download the model here:
wiase Ah, Bewerbungsprotale, die nach Ende der Bewerbungsfrist die Stellenanzeige nicht mehr anzeigen, auf die man sich beworben hat. Sehr gut. Wozu habe ich denn da ein Profil angelegt und alles, ey.
No audience, no player, no composition #twittermusiclab #soundart #sundayvibes pic.twitter.com/T4wVuNUQpp
clemensetz Mir ist ein Schüttelreim eingefallen:
Tumult bei den Zierfischen:
Drei knurren, vier zischen.
nsaphra Oh hey @QueerinAI posted my talk from the EMNLP social on why adaptive tech needs to be hackable! youtu.be/z5nYFZKaRnY?t=…
LinusMisera ich mach second screen auf deiner beerdigung
clemensetz Neue Auswahl von Artmanngedichten, mit Nachwort von mir, in dem ich ein inzwischen klassisches @Chaosfux Gedicht lobpreise pic.twitter.com/yYmUgTITjQ