Eilenbrat deutsche hic sunt dracones twitter.com/sauer_lauwarm/…
Eilenbrat Richtig fein wäre, hätte Herfried Münkler einen Zwillingsbruder namens Hinfried Münkler. Hin- und Herfried Münkler. Richtig fein wäre das.
Werde heute noch das Lieblingseis ausgewählter Folgender discontinuen 😈
talyarkoni this Ioannidis thing is an excellent reminder that the gap between heroes and villlains is a lot smaller than one might intuitively suppose. nearly all of us have the latent capacity to be both many times over, depending on starting conditions. 1/
SemMinusContext these negligible amounts of equivocation can be made to add up to something intolerable
robvanderg Interesting multi-task options are: joint training, continuous training (e.g. first MLM, then parsing), dataset smoothing, loss weights, dataset embeddings. 3/6
robvanderg We support sequence labeling (normal/bio/multilabel), dependency parsing, text classification (also with multiple inputs), masked language modeling and text generation. 2/6
robvanderg Happy to announce the release of 0.2 of MaChAmp, a multi-task NLP toolkit! Paper to be published at EACL demo-track: machamp-nlp.github.io 1/6 pic.twitter.com/lNxigXbRVH
@ecpankratz create an interdimensional portal
jodieegrace just found out I ratio’d someone today pic.twitter.com/UaEVU4Uncu
emelin_denis The *ACL author response is like a trial where you are guilty until proven innocent and have to plead your own case in front of an anonymous judge who may be familiar with your case. Also, the judge is free to ignore your defense. I think Kafka wrote a book about it. #NLProc
@hllizi Der Arsch auch.
engl. to hang out
dt. einen Aushang machen