HonkHase Oh, die Popstar-App ist bald obsolet, weil @coronawarnapp die fehlende Funktion in v2.0 integriert...
Und zwar Datenschutz-Konform 😏
Geht doch 👌 twitter.com/skynetpirate/s…
jonty Out of curiosity I dug into how NFT's actually reference the media you're "buying" and my eyebrows are now orbiting the moon
ralphruthe Schnipp. pic.twitter.com/AycGaCHWvV
nsaphra This is the kind of shit (heh) we should focus on in applications. What we're good at is surveillance, and I love to see the rare occasion where an application of surveillance isn't aimed at humans. bbc.com/news/science-e…
NotRightRuth Here is the most stupid thing about the whole census sex debate: you cannot force people to answer research questions in the way you want them to.
You have to design questions in a way that yields meaningful answers. This is one of the first things we teach sociology students.
theferocity The newsroom norm of deferring to police (and legal distinctions) when reporting on hate violence when we all know damn well that the police and legal distinctions are part of the problem is something that news execs need to deal with but won’t. And you know why.
(Ist mir im Kindergarten passiert.)
Einbestellung der Eltern wegen Lesenkönnens
Wilhöllm der kleine Teufel
skglas "Bitcoin attracted a following for its openness and immunity from government control. Its goal is to create a world that replaces cultural power with cryptographic power: verification in code, not trust in people. But there is no such world." twitter.com/schneierblog/s…
adveisner Used cryptocurrency to purchase one of my fave philosophical ideas: The Type/Token Distinction!
My NFT certifies my Sole Ownership of the Platonic Idea.
But it can't stop you from using the idea as many times as you want (0, 1, 2, …).
mintable.app/art/item/The-T… pic.twitter.com/Xq12SPzxXP
KidsWriteJokes Q: Name a planet that starts with the letter W.
A: Wohio. I tricked you: I added W to Ohio. Ohio doesn’t start with W.
plomlompom Wenn jeder Akt der Solidarität von oben sabotiert & subvertiert, jeder solidarische Verzicht nur noch destruktivere Politik ermöglicht, dann ist mir lieber, die Leute feiern draußen wild Corona-Party, so lange ich weiter im Kämmerlein brüte. Behalten wenigstens die ihre Nerven.
plomlompom Sehe wenig case für Verdammung Mallorca-Reisender als unsolidarisch: Jede persönliche Einzahlung aufs gesellschaftliche Kontaktbudget-Sparkonto wird von der Politik doch eh sofort abgebucht & am Glücksspielautomaten verzockt. Ist also bezüglich allgemeiner Infektionslage egal.
dietweeterei You don't study the Syriac language, it studies you from a corner of its eyes and when it notices that you are unalert it tackles you from behind
stefanwehrmeyer Überall Paywalls auf deutschen Medienseiten? Das muss nicht sein! Diese Browser-Erweiterung ersetzt die Paywall durch den Artikeltext – gerade sogar kostenlos! 🤨➔🧵stefanw.github.io/voebbot/
derwahremawa Wer den kabellosen Hochdruckreiniger, den Akkubesen und den elektrischen Fenstervibrationswischer erfunden hat, macht vor nichts halt. Als nächstes kommt von Kärcher wahrscheinlich so eine Art Roomba für Grillroste.
russmaxdesign A range of HTML form components and how they are interpreted by screen readers: russmaxdesign.github.io/accessible-for… #a11y #accessibility
rmpars Experimenting with language habits is away of experimenting with perception that I use very regularly
Being playful n experimental with language is so important i think
What rephrasings have changed your perceptions or habits? twitter.com/nickcammarata/…
louisevanswrite Ask yourself:
Could this meeting be a zoom?
Could this zoom be a phone call?
Could this phone call be an email?
Could this email be a text?
Could this text be unsent?
Could we in silence retreat to the forest?
Could we, by game trails & forgotten paths, vanish into the trees?
On page 345 of 432 of Identitti, by Mithu M. Sanyal: "Furioses Googeln ergab, dass Franc... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
ai2_allennlp Common Crawl gave us permission to release Google's C4 dataset in processed form! If you have a hankering for 800GB of clean English text, head over to github.com/allenai/allenn… for more details!
pkandelic Fukuyama declaring the end of chairs. The man's learned nothing. pic.twitter.com/L5Hl4aiYkg
On page 333 of 432 of Identitti, by Mithu M. Sanyal: "Ist dir nie aufgefallen, dass Mens... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
Quicktake BREAKING: Uber will reclassify all 70,000 of its U.K. drivers as workers, entitling them to the minimum wage, vacation pay and other benefits after a ruling from the Supreme Court last month.
@NateLanxon breaks down the landmark change pic.twitter.com/VIHxGLgJx5