davidschlangen And "language grounding" involves a lot more than connecting word embeddings with image embeddings. «
davidschlangen So yeah, "all language is grounded", and when you're building an interactive system, you should take care that it's covering the antecedents and consequences that are appropriate for the speech acts it performs. If you want to be "open-domain"&"free conversation", that's tough. »
davidschlangen That's why incoherence in neural chat bots is not just a small problem. If p is claimed and shortly thereafter, not p, the grounding gets destroyed, and you end up with an uncanny simulacrum of meaningfulness. »
davidschlangen Finally getting to the point: It's the connection to other states that matters, not that they are _mental_ states. A computer can produce grounded language, if it gets these connections mostly right. »
davidschlangen Language provides (exploitable) norms for making mental states recognisable. Mental states themselves are individuated by their normative relations to other states. »
davidschlangen "All language is grounded": if an utterance appears to be _about_ something, that's because it's grounded in mental states that are about something. Those are the only physical entities that can be _about_ something; not sound waves, not markings on paper. »
davidschlangen "All interaction is situated": interaction creates its own context, embedded into a background here & now. Interaction designers must know what is relevant. For spoken interaction, the now is right now, and it matters _when_ something is said. »
Wort des Tages: gedrängegängig
Mit Mathias Geruhsam
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