longwall26 "Hello, cops? A man in an apron attacked my hair with scissors!"
"LOL sir, that was a barber."
"He was black."
"We're sending a battleship."
frachtschaden “I see myself as the only one, literally, the only one who is clinically sane.”
— Werner Herzog
Lotterleben 8h mit nem alten Hamburger Hasen, 20 mit Min Pfälzer_innen. Ich will auch nen drolligen Akzent! :<
@zehavoc @karpathy @yoavgo I'd say they're on a par. The generated French may be a bit more obviously gibberish due to verb inflection.
.@zehavoc @karpathy In what way are they worse than @yoavgo's Shakespeare? More inflectional agreement violations, perhaps.
.@yoavgo You can already see the context awareness in @karpathy's Shakesepare: the line lengths are very stable.
jacobeisenstein @yoavgo people were generating code using Genetic Programming in the 90s. It's only hard if you assume it has to be sequential, not top-down
Eishle Für die Wochenendschicht: eine Absage bockiger Studenten an der @UniPassau und was Medien daraus machen: trollbar.de/2015/fensterln…. #Fensterln
ojahnn TIL: Gabelflug = an Flughafen A ankommen und von Flughafen B zurückfliegen. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabelflug
yoavgo .@karpathy's RNNs post is great, but generating Shakespeare and Paul Graham isn't that impressive. Generating code is nbviewer.ipython.org/gist/yoavg/d76…
ojahnn @texttheater dict(zip(list1, list2)) # dictionary mit list1 als Keys und list2 als Values.
Gedankenbalsam "Euer Ehren, die Füllung dieses Gerichts ist eine Farce!"
"Das Rezept. Fleisch, Sahne..."
"Einspruch, Leckerei!"
FrancescoK Helene Fischer, Frontend–Entwicklerin. pic.twitter.com/4iTV63w1R6
dpp Blog Post: My Thoughts on Go ift.tt/1GuhuLo
zynaesthesie „Sind Ihnen etwa die Großbuchstaben ausgegangen?“ „nein, ich habe majuskelkater.“
pairs = zip(list1, list2) # pair of lists to list of pairs
list1, list2 = zip(*pairs) # list of pairs to pair of lists
#python #cheatsheet