kevin2kelly Nicely drawn single chart view of the full spectrum of life in evolutionary time. cdn1.buuteeq.com/upload/12775/e… pic.twitter.com/6o3UmCySHo
ErikaVaris I am amused by how many talks can be boiled down to "hey, linguistic information/features/structure matters!" #naacl2015

frachtschaden Let's watch “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” pic.twitter.com/sLneTU3EOb
yomidian "averaging 'spoon' and 'fork' is nice because you might end up with 'spork', but 'knife' and 'hand' just gets you Wolverine" #naacl2015
aria42 Really awesome NAACL paper, "When and why are log-linear models self-normalizing?" aclweb.org/anthology/N/N1…
Sollte Nachbarn Sternchen verleihen, je nach dem, wie abends das Treppenhaus riecht. Heute: Waffeln, zehn Sternchen.
tiger_food Was mich am meisten an der Debatte um Ronja von Rönne stört, ist der Akzent auf "irá": spiegel.de/kultur/gesells…
mjpost @jacobeisenstein Proper procedure but so unusual that it gets an asterisk and applause
jacobeisenstein Lillian Lee on "truly held-out" data: we held out a test set, and ran exactly one experiment on it, on the day the paper was due #naacl2015

iamdanw I went on holiday to a Dutch enclave, inside a Belgian enclave, inside the Netherlands iamdanw.com/wrote/what-are… pic.twitter.com/hFjze7942a
"I don't do defeats."
Mängelformulars alleine liegen? (2/2)
Prompte, freundliche, weiterführende Mailantworten vom Vermieter. Was ist denn da los? Kann doch nicht an Verwendung des offiziellen (1/2)
Herr_Rau Ferienduell mit Kollegin: Sie wartet darauf, dass ich anrufe; ich warte darauf, dass sie ihre E-Mails liest. Mal sehen, wer aufgibt.
Wort des Tages: ranschweißerisch
"Making the app less pretty (temporarily, to manage expectations)" Important stuff! :D mailpile.is/blog/2015-06-0… #technik #feedly
anncopestake Real life jelly beans (xkcd.com/882/). Can't feel superior - CL does it a lot (inadvertently). twitter.com/jasonbaldridge…
WernerTwertzog Your life is insignificant, meaningless, and debased. Make the most of it.
Nice way to learn about a new feature.
Me: *absent-mindedly hits v to go to visual mode*
less: *opens vim*