adrianbriggs Whenever I hear the phrase 'new atheists' I just think of babies.
So accurate: Click Rate On Death Alerts by Scott Adams… via @Dilbert_Daily
fietze_ Oder wir machen es so: Die Länder, die Waffen in die Krisengebiete liefern, müssen die Flüchtlinge aufnehmen. Zack. Weltfrieden.
ChPietsch Kann ich bestätigen. Angela's Ashes gefällt mir der deutschen Übersetzung (von Harry Rowohlt) fast besser.…
swept Ever wanted to sound like a real hax0r? Try!
git diff HEAD^ HEAD file.txt # see what changes in file.txt you just committed #twitterasacheatsheet
abnor_malik Got a new name, got a new website:
#mime #clown #Character #design #movement…
labenzticker archenleiten (V.): Bei Sintfluten tierbeladene Schiffe zum richtigen Berg lotsen.
Umfangreiches vegetarisches und veganes Angebot…
zeitweise If Game of Thrones will ever come to an end it will be like a way too long, unpredictable but thoughtfully edited tweet: No characters left.
<3 "Dumpstern für Dummies – Vom Fachmann für Kenner"… #lustiges #feedly
JZdziarski Coworker's unattended Mac:
crontab -e
*/30 * * * * say -v whisper "I am watching you"
You're welcome.
anildash These are not smart people. These are people who don't know how to communicate and don't want to learn.…
AcademicsSay I'm not procrastinating. I'm delegating to future selves.
eponvert seems like not long ago #SentimentAnalysis was an uncharted frontier of #textanalytics, now it's "Hello world!" for ML