Lektüre lohnt sich, da überraschendes Ende. :) twitter.com/BLZonline/stat…
KStreetHipster Whoever designed this logo needs to win some kind of award pic.twitter.com/pkKvucHS2S
m_rinck "Die trabrennbaren und die nicht trabrennbaren Entitäten"
MaxCRoser Don’t use pie charts. pic.twitter.com/syGjkg7p4G
What could possibly go wrong. twitter.com/der_handwerk/s…
Matrix pose! lh4.ggpht.com/_fYFbYeXyx1Y/S… twitter.com/XplodingUnicor…
Floresstan Mein Traumberuf ist Auftrags-Chiller.
gchrupala . @dirk_hovy @yoavgo Here's hoping this finally kills off the "POS tagging of the WSJ" cottage industry in #nlproc
chrisamaphone only a logician (@admitscut) could make a sentence out of one quantifier and 5 order relations pic.twitter.com/Ej7O0XVv9Z