The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

June 10th, 2015

Nitrogenated coffee: tastes like Guinness, apparently. Want.…

via Twitter Web Client

sarahas_san "Die hat die ÖsterreicherInnen übrigens genauso viel gekostet wie alle Asylwerber von 1950 bis 2275 zusammen"…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:19 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

antjeschrupp gebloggt: Meine zehn Cent zu Caitlyn Jenner -…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:19 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

from util.productivity import RedWine

via Twitter Web Client

skeptikantin Bevor man ner Studie Unwissenschaftlichkeit vorwirft, sollte man lieber erst mal schauen, ob man bei „Logik der by-item-Analyse“ krank war.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 7:31 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

Can't say I'm surprised. Big kudos for trying though!…

via Twitter for Android

nsaphra Lookit them stuffy ol pos taggers don know what's up…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:16 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

pplattform Wäre so was eine Alternative zur Sparpolitik in Griechenland?………


via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:03 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

yoavgo ahh why are papers from the neural-net community so #*&!@ uninformative??!… (thats the LSTM-machine-translation paper)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:39 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

yoavgo maybe the commonheld belief that neural nets require magical voodoo skills grew out of really badly written papers and sloppy notation.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 1:39 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

astefanowitsch Ich versuche, meinen Traum zu leben, aber irgendwie passt der Fisch nicht ins Schlüsselloch.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:37 PM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

normative The guy Justice Scalia once pointed to as proof we need the death penalty was just exonerated & pardoned.…

via iOS (retweeted on 6:36 AM, Jun 10th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)