haldaume3 @yoavgo imo the single biggest advance of the "stat NLP" revolution wasn't the "stat" part, but was actually looking at real data :(
amyquispe So I really think cs education should be required, and I also don't think it makes sense any sense fulfilling a foreign language req.
duckinator GO READ THIS THREAD: twitter.com/alicemazzy/sta…
FakeRobotGamer heres a good solution to the problem w/ court clerks who refuse to issue marriage licences: fire them and hire someone happy to do their job
eevee someone who had a max function before oracle should probably sue them now
eevee everything is doomed forever
then again a huge chunk of culture already operates under the hope of not receiving a c&d
eevee so, clean room reimplementations of anything now violate copyright? like, say, wine and reactos? emulators?
binarybits The Supreme Court just refused to review 2014's Oracle v. Google ruling. That's a disaster for the software industry. vox.com/2014/11/18/723…
antonio_MyP German is like Basque, and everything is UG. Evidence for AgrOP in German twitter.com/texttheater/st…
This neural network library looks nice, level of abstraction seems like a sweet spot in-between say theano and keras. docs.chainer.org/en/latest/tuto…
alqaeda I understand Americans wanting to get rid of a flag linked to slavery & genocide.
I wonder what they’ll replace the Stars & Stripes with.
FrauFrohmann Das ist.
Ich bin.
PeoplePattern AI? Not Yet. But Machine Learning is Here and Now! #MachineLearning via @jasonbaldridge bit.ly/1dsJZwX pic.twitter.com/fhSTY6Keik
On Twitter, German has object-verb agreement. #linguistics pic.twitter.com/in4C2wyl6N
mogelpony Meine Oma hört im Hühnerstall Motörhead.
frachtschaden Der Schaffner fragt mich, ob ich ihn gefilmt hätte. Das ist neu. Was an der Frage so lustig wäre. Das kann ich ihm sagen.
keegzzz "Being gay is wrong, look at this Bible verse"
"Oh. Well. Look at THIS verse that says women shouldn't speak"
"It was a different culture"
gchrupala We're in the middle of an adaptive radiation event in the space of neural network toolkits
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptive_… pic.twitter.com/yjG1ds4ApN
wellendonner "Why are some allowed to travel in search of better opportunities and others are not?"
Chaosfux t('-'t)