priya_ebooks good statements for women to practice:
1) that's not funny
2) that's inappropriate
3) ok i don't care though
4) why are you telling me this
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@acn128 Beides. ^^ Ich ringe mit mir, ob mir Handlichkeit (Zug, Bett) oder höherer Komfort (Schreibtisch) wichtiger ist.
ojahnn @astefanowitsch Da wird @texttheater was gegen haben - dann doch eher "Gemolchener".
TanteSilke Seems she needed Metatron back ...
13.3" or 15.6"?
Absolut glaubhaft.…
ojahnn Habe vor kurzem einen meiner Lieblingsbots, @OMG_wikipedia, ins Deutsche übersetzt: @Wiki_Irrtum #botALLY…

Lotterleben Das Risiko von Notizen auf der Hand: Edding-Koteletten am Morgen.

ojahnn Things I've learned in my Big Data "class" so far: The best papers are the ones with the most ridiculous titles
GonzoHacker Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a regular human being just trying to get through the week
SlexAxton An npm module walks into a bar. It brings stool, grunt-stool, brtndr, bevera, phantomjs, 31 copies of rimraf, c bindings to tetris on NES, a
I'd like to live in a lair at the center of a huge maze where "showing a guest out" takes on a whole new meaning.