“…if you will.” – “I will not.” twitter.com/SMBCComics/sta…
asayeed I've retweeted this before but I want to increase the number of people who pronounce it ho-meow-ner. twitter.com/catesish/statu…
queer_de Studie: Genitaloperationen an intergeschlechtlichen Kindern weit verbreitet. queer.de/detail.php?art… pic.twitter.com/z99TwfXQsz
MerriamWebster No, "What if everyone committed to looking up 'flummadiddle' twice a day?" is the most desperate-sounding tweet… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
McintyreGenEd Watch out U.C. Berkeley, @univgroningen has Nobel laureate parking spaces too! twitter.com/texttheater/st…
dickswiers @texttheater @boebelsha En dan hebben we nog buurtjes als Bronsveen, de Bronx van Pekela zeg maar.
GreekAnalyst 2016 in one picture. pic.twitter.com/yVwNMaK0ap
hanhaiwen Thread on the missing support from too many hackers when it comes to Chelsea Manning. twitter.com/bangiebangs/st…
Somebody parked their nanocar in front of @univgroningen. pic.twitter.com/DinjBQwNUY
BeffernieBlack I love it when twitter is perfect like this. pic.twitter.com/VEDQgZ09rb