harvardnlp Excited to introduce OpenNMT (opennmt.net), an open-source neural machine translation developed for ind… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
ChMusique Jugenwort 1783 "der Aal sein" twitter.com/kochkunstEbook…
aparrish I've tried like 100 times and I can't make "I need a portfolio site" not immediately become "I need to make my own static site generator"
ojahnn Gute Beschäftigung: Ins Rechenzentrum spazieren mit den Worten "Guten Tag, ich würde gerne was rechnen!"
1opter How the f. can people think/say that women can't write code, this is straight up assembly. pic.twitter.com/GiikM0ERue
IeHikikomori Guten Morgen! pic.twitter.com/C94dVc5OSS
"Raw horse meat and mane" #sushi thefrostretort.wordpress.com/tag/raw-horse-…