SwiftOnSecurity Twitter is like a NoSQL demo application from a computer science class project everyone was forced to contribute a feature to.
texttheater McBurk Effect
astefanowitsch Vermutlich im Gefängnis. twitter.com/VisitDubai_DE/…
ellebil Symbolbild Hagen Hbf. pic.twitter.com/UoqqLYrON9
finegameofnil Maybe Bob Dylan did deserve that Nobel. from "Tombstone Blues:" pic.twitter.com/y97AYHJYkD
skeptikantin Liebe Studis, unter #verbrauchertaeuschung finden Sie derzeit Gazillionen HA-Themen zu Wortbildung, Lexikologie & „Culinary Linguistics“.
Das Herumschmeißen mit Jogurtbechern ist stark in mir heute.
texttheater Han Solo bezeichnet Maz Kanata in #TheForceAwakens als "acquired taste" bzw. in der niederländischen Untertitelung als "lastige tante".
kchonyc I so want to give this as a homework: physically build a perceptron pic.twitter.com/9hCJvPL7vN
ToddTheLinguist When there are individuals so salient in context that you don't need linguistic antecedents for pronoun resolution twitter.com/ftrain/status/…
Brachistocrone and nanocar pic.twitter.com/yRp9jZoWip
RichRogersIoT "There are 100M lines of code in the average modern car. This should terrify any experienced programmer." -… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
thecakedesk translation from ungendered language to a gendered language. #33c3 #digitaldiscrimination pic.twitter.com/wm2utNDGOX
Strange_Animals Baby smooth trunkfish are so cute!
(Photo: Terence Zahner) pic.twitter.com/1rNBMVSErW
Lotterleben YONO- You Only Nonce Once?
shanselman I'm a fully-formed human with wide ranging and diverse interests. Follow the whole person or you'll need to go else… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
ojahnn Es folgt das Protokoll meiner Google-Suchen der vergangenen vier Tage.