existentialcoms For most people, they basically spend their money on other people's labor.
For the rich, it's the opposite, they MAKE their money from other people's labor.
rosalarian A PSA on the term “cis”
-it is a Latin word that means the opposite of trans
-it doesn’t mean heterosexual
-it isn’t an acronym so you don’t need to all-caps it
-it isn’t an insult or slur
-sorry not sorry you can’t refer to yourself as “normal” anymore
PBahners "Entscheidend ist, ob man den Staat an seinen in der deutschen Demokratie ganz erheblichen Fähigkeiten misst, Probleme zu lösen und aus Fehlern zu lernen. Oder ob man es schon als Beweis des Versagens nimmt, dass es diese Probleme und Fehler gibt." sueddeutsche.de/politik/demokr… @SZ
ojahnn Other sentences from the paper:
- I am interested in cheese devouring.
- I'm worried about gobbling down cheese.
- My regrets were that cheese was eaten by me.

ojahnn tag yourself pic.twitter.com/XEo5wFdnZl
Buddenbohm Whatsapp mit Sohn I.
Ich: "Moin."
Sohn I: "Jo."
Wir nennen es digitale Quality Time.
stephenjmolloy Me: What's the wifi password?
Barman: You need to buy a drink first.
Me: Okay, I'll have a coke.
Barman: Is Pepsi okay?
Me: Sure. How much is that?
Barman: £3.
Me: There you go. So what's the wifi password?
Barman: You need to buy a drink first. No spaces, all lowercase.
73% done with Seveneves, by Neal Stephenson: "Cradle's main defect had been a lack of si... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…