The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

March 22nd, 2018

EnglishGibson “auf Kosten der Steuerzahler”

tiny brain:
on costs of the taxpayers

regular brain:
at the expense of the taxpayers

big brain:
at the taxpayers’ expense

galaxy brain:
at (the) taxpayers’ expense

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:48 PM, Mar 22nd, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

RainerLiebich Auch so kann ein Interview aussehen. Mutig von @kleinezeitung das zu drucken.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:05 AM, Mar 22nd, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

tiger_food Vorsatz für Palmarum: in Palma rumhängen. 💃🏻🔜🏝

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:23 AM, Mar 22nd, 2018 via Twitter for Android)