Robot Future #lustiges #feedly

Senficon Have you ever used @github? At your company, your university, your NGO or at home? Then you should be worried about EU #Copyright reform:… #CensorshipMachines #FixCopyright
danieldekok Created a @rustlang crate for sequence/string alignment. Benefits compared to some other alignment crates: (1) provides alignments / edit scripts, not just distances; (2) allows definition of custom measures; (3) generic over sequence type.…
marcelweiss Anyone who believes this unimaginative nonsense hasn‘t thought for one serious minute about the trajectory of this tech.
So, we take away something as central as the steering wheel (& change powertrain) and you seriously believe everything else will stay exactly alike?
LarsVoges Das Gebot der Stunde ist ein stärkeres Sozial- und Integrationsministerium als eine Leitkulturdebatte und ein Heimatminister. @zeitonline stellt eine interessante Studie vor:… via @zeitonline

buechereiwien Oft kopiert, nie erreicht: der Kaffee aus unserem Automaten.
CecileDuflot En 1936 Paris a le réseau de tramway le plus dense au monde. Démantelé sous la pression des lobbys pétroliers et automobiles. Son retour sera laborieux et très coûteux. Si on pouvait éviter la même idiotie avec le train...................…
microth People hate reading the word "novel" in a paper all the time. We went the extra mile and also put it in the title. #commonsense #reasoning…

cj_battey This list of bitchy responses to code/data requests is just beautiful. You can almost feel #1 removing the phrase "young lady" before hitting send.…
plomlompom Umfrage in AfD-Regionen:"kaum Angst vor Überfremdung o.vorIslamisierung",kaumLügenPresse-Ruf o.EuropaSkepsis;"keine Sehnsucht nach einer stärkeren nationalenIdentität";v.a.Fühl sozialstaatl.VernachLässigung (relativ zuAusländern),Geld- & InfrastrukturSorge…
ctrlcreep you are tired all the time because god is making you render the entire universe, even when you're not looking at it
fro_vo the "ll" in "parallel" is really just there as an example

nicebread303 A slide from my #osc2018 talk yesterday: "sharing upon request" is dead. Today @JelteWicherts tweets about @victoriastodden's study on "data & code sharing upon request", with 44% sharing and 26% reproducibility rate.
"upon request" simply does not work.…