cluedont If anyone needs a taxidermied badger that's been turned into a theremin, I saw this one for sale on Facebook earlier. pic.twitter.com/YKJG1LtI69
Kompromissvorschlag: Wir stellen die Uhren weiterhin im Herbst zurück, aber im Frühling nicht mehr vor.
perseveresther snail on a spring go boing boing boing
perseveresther etwas glaubwürdigeres ist noch nie passiert
@ojahnn Wem passiert denn so was 🤔🤔🤔
OliverBWeber Sehr lesenswerter Artikel: buff.ly/2z9k7qf

Immer den Sonnenschutz zu Hause vergessen und unterwegs welchen kaufen müssen? Ich? Ach was. pic.twitter.com/6QEqbTyvTj

DLR_Verkehr Dank #Verkehrswende und #Mobilitätsgesetz bewegt sich aktuell viel im (Rad-)Verkehr. Wir möchten deshalb wissen, wonach Ihr entscheidet, welche Route Ihr beim Radeln nehmt. Die Ergebnisse werden für Empfehlungen zum Ausbau der Radinfrastruktur genutzt. app.lamapoll.de/bike/ pic.twitter.com/WpBXzL1N3D

PHDcomics How's summer going? phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=1… pic.twitter.com/mD6QCynEC7

Senficon Great success: Your protests have worked! The European Parliament has sent the copyright law back to the drawing board. All MEPs will get to vote on #uploadfilters and the #linktax September 10–13. Now let's keep up the pressure to make sure we #SaveYourInternet! pic.twitter.com/VwqAgH0Xs5
michael_nielsen Historically, a brilliant thing about academia was that it turned powerful ideas into public goods, by incentivizing scientists to publish research papers.
michael_nielsen More generally, it’s plausible that most powerful ideas are best expressed in executable form.
And so unless academic journals (or their replacements in the political economy of science) become executable, more and more of the best ideas will come from outside academia
michael_nielsen Now, many powerful ideas are better expressed as systems, prototypes, and protocols (http, tcp/ip, BTC, mother of all demos, Dynabook etc). But academia hasn't caught up, so much of that work is coming from outside academia.

tallinzen Cool work showing that LSTMs latch onto spurious statistical patterns (first noun of sentence tends to be the subject) that syntactic LM ignore. Also, controlling for confounds in corpus data is hard. pic.twitter.com/efCWKbmAzr

SquamataOut Finally found a workplace semi-appropriate way of letting people know when it may not be safe to chat #PhdChat #Phdlife pic.twitter.com/RtHqV32n2q

GabrielBerlin Übermäßige Freude über dreidimensionale Fliese pic.twitter.com/ocwUnZ5fZM
presseschauer Ist Ihnen eigentlich klar, dass Twitter diesen Tweet nach Ihrem Willen künftig unterbinden muss, da Sie nicht die Rechte an diesem Inhalt haben und Twitter diese Rechte nicht geklärt hat! twitter.com/HelgaTruepel/s…
hllizi Death of the author twitter.com/KatzOnEarth/st…
KatzOnEarth Just fyi, it was obvious in 1776 that there was something ridiculous about people who enslaved thousands of other people on the basis of their skin color declaring that "all men are created equal." It didn't take years for people to figure it out. It took like thirty seconds.