natalieweiner this is without a doubt the best thing that's ever happened to me pic.twitter.com/rnVkmhB2dy
panmisthropist I live in London, population 9m; the most diverse city on Earth. My neighbours come from all background, cultures, religions. I do enjoy the rampant irony of being accused of living in a ‘bubble’ by some webbed wonder from Shitbury on the Wold; population 60; surnames 4.

wrathematics Data's theoretical peak is 60 TFLOPS, or 8 NVIDIA Voltas which you can rent on ec2 for $25 an hour. That's assuming he operates in double precision. If he's using fp16 that's half of a Volta ($3 an hour on ec2). pic.twitter.com/0TpZIRcxia

peterbreuer Das geht zu weit. pic.twitter.com/JpBhboIhHQ

IHLaking I 100% subscribe to this philosophy pic.twitter.com/SdGdt7fRGD
zeitonline #metoo, #metwo, #mequeer: Warum das nicht nur Hashtags sind, sondern der Anfang eines gesellschaftlichen Wandels. bit.ly/2PRjpT1

ah__cl Here's a donkey in a situation S3 (from Zweig, 2006). A formal semanticist has sliced through it so that its fleas are outside of S3. This causes lots of quantification problems which can only be repaired with Kratzer's persistence condition (1989) /1 pic.twitter.com/zUtF6sFX29
antjeschrupp Stellt euch mal vor, die Medien würden sich nur einmal mit einem feministischen Buch so ernsthaft und ausführlich auseinandersetzen wie mit diesem Hassschreiber.
pfadintegral Die ganze Zeitrechnung zu ändern, weil man Arbeitgeber nicht zu humanen Arbeitszeiten bewegen kann, ist vielleicht auch einfach die schönste Illustration von Politik unter kapitalistischen Verhältnissen twitter.com/Balzac2m/statu…
plaetzchen Free (German) Startup Idea: An app that let you summon someone with cash to a f-ing „sorry, cash only“-place that pays for you. You are charged on you card. Takes a small fee that is shared between you and the cash donor. I call it „FYZA - Fuck Your Zukunftsangst“
@EnglishGibson aka The Positive 'Anymore' quickanddirtytips.com/education/writ…
EnglishGibson Oh btw, did you enjoy my use of the colloquial American English ‘anymore’ in the first tweet? As a Brit I’d normally say ‘these days’ or ‘nowadays’, but I thought ‘anymore’ sounded more snappy.
Jeromobot "The translator has to do consciously what the author did instinctively. And yet it must seem instinctive."
Richard Pevear