hllizi Started watching "Nightflyers", an ultraoptimistic @netflix show in which mankind has time left to develop interstellar travel before killing the planet.
timhwang 🧠 ai thought-leader slide deck starter pack:
✅ robot and human hands shaking
✅ exploding brain made of ones and zeroes
✅ photo of frusturated looking lee sedol
✅ slide that just says “BLOCKCHAIN?”
First of all, why not AoE?
Second of all, why not PDT??
nathanwpyle when The Man tries to repress my art pic.twitter.com/MIi3C2Xz3x
rahmstorf Scientists of the world: here you can sign the support letter of scientists for #FridaysForFurture: twitter.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=2d… This letter has appeared in today's issue of Science. Please retweet! science.sciencemag.org/content/364/64…
EnglishGibson Streiche „setze“, setze „streiche“.
skglas Linguistische Freude beim Stolpern über "Nassschneeereignisse" (heute wo gelesen)
bomelino jetzt machen
- ich hab gar nicht alle infos
- ich kann das gar nicht
- es fühlt sich nicht richtig an
später machen
+ später bin ich der perfekte mensch
+ da hab ich mehr erfahrung und bin weise
+ es muss ja einen grund geben warum ich's noch nicht gemacht hab
nsaphra I ruin your day with a tale in which the Internet suddenly notices that big scientific projects are the work of big teams and not just of the first author -- but only after a woman happens to be first author. twitter.com/Carnage4Life/s…
clabauk Ich will euch als Mieterin in Berlin mal erzählen, was in dem Haus, in dem ich wohne, so abgeht, seit es vor einigen Jahren von #Akelius gekauft wurde und warum ich deshalb @dwenteignen unterstütze. #dwenteignen #Enteignung.
XandaSchofield I know you have already seen this retweeted 300+ times but:
As a young, energetic woman who's been told I "don't look like a computer scientist," seeing this shared as what science looks & feels like without a * makes me feel SO valid.
I want this feeling for everyone else. twitter.com/MIT_CSAIL/stat…
ojahnn I decided to just write the whole card as one completely unparseable sequence of embedded relative clauses, like a normal person. They'll figure it out.
ojahnn writing a thank-you note for a birthday present, wondering if one card is enough for me to explain the pumping lemma to the person the card is for
Noahpinion Internet Guy: Where was the sci-fi future I was promised?
Me: Star Trek says we have massive riots in 2024 and a nuclear holocaust in 2053.
Internet Guy: What about Back to the Future II?
Me: We have videoconferencing, the Cubs won the World Series, and Biff became president.
PPathole A Python developer measuring the level of indentation. pic.twitter.com/tACOtIgsLh