Wenn @ojahnn eine Artikelserie über einen scheinbar harmlosen Chat schreibt und du getriggert bist texttheater.net/2000-ff
nlpmattg This is moving away from the original tweet's topic of asking for citations, but it's on my mind as I tweet paper commentaries and such. Maybe I'm an outlier here, but I think it's totally fair game to publicly critique public work, as long as you're professional about it.
nlpmattg On the other hand, science is, for better or worse, a public endeavor. I certainly wouldn't advocate attacking _people_, but I find it surprising when people are hesitant to have public discussion about the merits and flaws of ideas. Isn't that why you *published a paper* on it? twitter.com/goodfellow_ian…
perseveresther datingportal auch nur gegenteil von personenvereinzelungsanlage
TIL Vin Diesel voiced Groot in "Guardians of the Galaxy" in multiple languages youtu.be/zsCJ0JH_XrU
leitmedium ZEIT Online bietet alle (ja, auch Z+) Artikel offiziell im Volltext per XML an. Ich habe einen Konverter geschrieben, mit dem Ihr entspannt, werbe- und trackingfrei sämtliche Artikel lesen könnt. github.com/leitmedium/zei…
emilymbender Q for #linguistics / #nlproc #lazytwitter: Does anyone know of work on the semantics of proper names that are themselves MWEs? So things like New York but also the University of Washington?
mjpost @zehavoc @mgalle That’s a nice idea to generalize the idea of line number to NLP-common file types.
zeitonline #Demokratie ist auf dem Rückzug: Theo Sommer über die Herausforderungen der liberalen Welt. zeit.de/politik/auslan…
PaulGowder New life/career rule/subtweet: never agree to do anything just because you feel flattered to be asked.
@johnregehr Here's my take on Make: github.com/texttheater/pr…
johnregehr ripgrep is so cool; we need more basic utilities reimagined for modern use cases and reimplemented in languages that aren't security disasters github.com/BurntSushi/rip…