EnglishGibson Interesting to hear German newsreaders pronouncing “Mueller” as /mʌlɐ/. I’m not criticising. On the contrary, I agree with the policy. But even I, eingedeutscht as I am, pronounce it /mʏlɐ/.
ATBrokenNews Briten hamstern neue Wege
just going to the cybernetics lab to make some friends
nlpmattg "question answering" 🔥🔥
And I say that as someone whose research focuses almost exclusively on various kinds of question answering, and knowing that there's an ACL track called "QA". This used to be mostly coherent, but has broadened so much that the term is vacuous. twitter.com/gneubig/status…
Toleranz für Verbote? 🤔 twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
plomlompom Morgen ist Feiertag, weil morgen ein besonderer Tag ist. Bitte respektiert und begeht ihn angemessen, oder gewährt wenigstens denen, denen seine Ausübung etwas bedeutet, den Raum und die Möglichkeiten dafür: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o…
texttheater Sagt ein Reeder zum anderen: "Reede ich dir vielleicht in deine Arbeit hinein?"
DingemanseMark ˈlɪŋɡwɪsts! The widely used Gboard Android keyboard now supports the full IPA (ht @daanvanesch) pic.twitter.com/TvJwekQV92
there_are_two_ @boydgraber @nsaphra I ask for examples all the time, and I am so pleased that @nsaphra included *two* examples in this request. My replacement by automation is clearly imminent.
ojahnn i'm in the market for an unhealthy obsession if anyone has suggestions
j4 This is worth a read, especially if you fear your job may be bullshit: blog.nkb.fr/purpose-free-o…
@auract I'm so hyped for that :D