mitchellh Periodically I and can’t help but be amazed that Siri was announced in 2010, and almost a decade later its still effectively valueless in day to day life for anything more than setting an alarm or pausing/playing music.
@JayCogi @perseveresther ❤️
remcoknooi Commentaar geven op essays van studenten: "Mijn inschatting is dat je een beetje hebt lopen zwemmen bij het analyseren van je data."
- lopen zwemmen = jammer maar helaas
- zitten zwemmen = toch wel verwijtbaar handelen
- liggen zwemmen = scheer je weg van deze opleiding
@JayCogi @perseveresther befiehl den Früchtchen, fein zu sein
tschfflr Me: That's #Linguistics, you know.
8yo: Is Linguistics a subject in school?
Me: No.
8yo: Why not?!
tschfflr 8yo at the beach: 1/2 of the stones are wet and 1/4 are not wet, how can this be?
Me: Tell me.
8yo: The other 1/4 is wet, too! "half" doesn't mean "*only* half".
Me: 😍 I've taught this in Intro Pragmatics! #buddingLinguist #love
davidschlangen Erm. By which I did not mean to imply that not all of our speakers are great. I meant, of all the great speakers in the world, we have some.
peterbreuer Thread
vagina_museum As it is #Shakespearesbirthday today, here are a few of our favourite vagina, vulva and cunt moments in his work.
Get your country matters in order for the sexiest twitter thread you're gonna read today.
LeonDerczynski Researchers give women 10% fewer citations for the same article, even controlling for many factors. Master your unconscious biases. Why aren't you citing women?…
GoodGermanWords German is a Lego set of words, pure logic, relentlessly rational.
#Eifer is "Enthusiasm"
#Süchtig is "Addicted"
And so, naturally,
#Eifersüchtig means ... (checks notes, angrily scratches things out, pencil snaps)
#Good #German #Words
spinfocl palmern [V, ugs.]: Sich zum Affen machen, um andere auf die Palme zu bringen.
ma_rodda You know what I hate most? Having to sit through a 5 minutes discussion of whether my dog is neutered and whether he misses 'woman dogs' while knowing exactly how that's going to end but also knowing that if I try to disengage I will escalate the situation beyond my control.
kathrinpassig Der eine Job auf der Welt, der wirklich für mich gemacht war, die #bettruhestudie, und dann so schlechte Nachrichten. Eventuell bleibe ich einfach zwei Monate unbezahlt im eigenen Bett liegen, AUS KUMMER.…
ojahnn My graduate colloquium talk before this one was titled "Freeze or I'll Freeze You", the one after was "Dancing Isn't Transitive, Except When It Is". Stay tuned for my upcoming presentation in May, which may or may not be called "I Hate Adverbs"…
CodepointsNet Note: Read the follow-up tweets.…
perseveresther going for drinks with the person I'm planning on being
_chaseh_ Well, actually, it’s only mansplaining if it comes from the Mansplain region of France. Otherwise it’s just sparkling misogyny.