texttheater Meine Multitasking-Fähigkeiten sind begrenzt. Lesen und nicht Schokolade essen zum Beispiel, das geht einfach nicht gleichzeitig.
wellformedness I’m thinking about how the imperatives in (my) research have increasingly shifted from uncovering truths to making stuff, and how that shift began in August 2008.
@berndulrich Sind halt Synonyme von gut und böse
brynguist If anyone has suggestions how to scare up negative polarity items in the wild, please share. My strategy right now is to make 2-3 sentence stories about how greedy/quiet/forgetful, etc. someone is, and to conclude with "He wouldn't give a red cent even to his own mother!" etc.
🎵 Ein neues Brillenetui ist wie eine neue Brille 🎶

peterbreuer Bühnenbildentwurf für die Oper „Cardillac“ von Paul Hindemith (nicht realisierter Entwurf) pic.twitter.com/FYHnMZkhaT
The Orville Wraps Up a Strong Second Season With Its Most Ambitious Episode Yet io9.gizmodo.com/the-orville-wr… via @io9

erik_kaars "We had to kill the Vikings, bc they bathed and brushed their hair and our wives couldn't resist such sophistication" is a HELL of a take by medieval English chroniclers. #MedievalTwitter pic.twitter.com/Vz4pj0OKC7
SPIEGEL_Politik Pro Kopf und Jahr produzieren die Deutschen im Schnitt 11 Tonnen Treibhausgase. Wer vegan lebt, reduziert die Bilanz um 2 Tonnen jährlich, bei ansonsten gleichbleibendem Lebensstil. Das entspricht etwa 8 Economy-Class-Flügen zwischen London und Berlin. spon.de/afs8z
ojahnn When a guest speaker in our colloquium is doing their best, but the local audience just lacks most of the context necessary to understand their talk twitter.com/MobyDickatSea/…
brynguist Today's wealth disparity will lead to the largest humanitarian disaster this planet will ever see. Forget yachts: billionaires are *stealing* our water, our clean air, and our ability to ensure our children have a future on this planet.
ClumpedIsotopes The people of Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe are experiencing a humanitarian disaster due to climate change - one that is caused not by them, but by nations like ours that are responsible for most of the emissions. (1/n)
ClumpedIsotopes First and foremost, give financial aid, whatever you can afford, to help people trying to survive this humanitarian disaster, ask your employer to donate, and write to your representatives to ask them to provide funds.
internetdaniel Omg! Can we *please* start using “just watching the fruit” as a euphemism for introducing low-stakes, uncontroversial applications of a potentially significant technology (usually in order to quietly acclimate people to it before the controversial ones arrive)?? twitter.com/hypervisible/s…