spacy_io Say hello to spacy-pytorch-transformers!
🛸 BERT, XLNet & GPT-2 in your spaCy pipeline
🤗 Based on @huggingface's pytorch-transformers
🎚️ Fine-tune pretrained models on your task
📦 Model packages for English & German
🚀 Token alignment, similarity & more…
wayfu Parkett - der beste Bodenbelag der wellt
drguidoknapp 1969: Die dt Brauer werben ua in der BRAVO, um Bier ein jugendlicheres Image zu verpassen. Vielen gilt es als Altherrenbrause. Slogan: "Bier ist nicht lapschig, klebrig-süß. Hat nichts Künstliches. Bier ist ehrlich. Echt und gut. Bier hat Wumm." #internationalertagdesbieres
Matrix Reloaded. The Phantom Menace. Tron Legacy. All above 50%? Well, Equilibrium then.…
"In Deutschland haben wir keine Minikuchenmentalität." #oh
amn't i pretty
nsaphra QA: why scores and not probability distributions? Noah: Softmax is the source of a lot of uninterpretability!
nsaphra On WSJ PTB: "I'm tired of parsing the writing of Reaganist newsroom white men in the 80s."
nsaphra Noah just said he only likes methods he understand mathematically. A bold methodological diet!
nsaphra "We should care about interpretability because it's very hard to improve a model you don't understand."
nsaphra "Sometimes reduced capacity can be beneficial!" Oooo I'm feeling a return to old school learning theory here
nsaphra "Rational Recurrence" is a category of RNNs with a mapping to WFSAs -- unlikely to contain LSTMs, but does include a lot of recent architectures.
nsaphra But RR accuracy is really good for the very small parameter size!
nsaphra RRs are weighted automata, but with the weights as functions of vector representations, giving "soft patterns"
phonologist Alright, #NLProc folks, share widely.
I'm tired as a disabled computational linguist to see the needs of disabled folx at *ACL events ignored, so I'm going to formally complain.
Please fill out this form if you've experienced accessibility issues…
tinawirnsberger In Grönland sind gestern binnen 24 Stunden 12 Milliarden Tonnen Eis geschmolzen, in Sibirien wüten Waldbrände von der Größe Belgiens.
Bloß keine S c h n e l l s c h ü s s e in der Klimapolitik jetzt bitte! #NRW19 #Klimanotstand
nsaphra QA now. Willem Zudema wants to ban the Chomsky hierarchy. Bob agrees that we should be more granular about abstract properties!
nsaphra Much Ado about result that LSTMs can't generalize Dyck (CFG-complete) languages to new recursive depths at inference. But are RNNs even closed under homomorphism? If not, then even if they can learn Dyck, it means nothing for general capacity to learn CFGs!
ArneKoehn So at #acl2019nlp I just gave several poster presentations (~15min) for a poster where I don't even know the authors -- they seemed to be on lunch break at the start of the session.
Author is now here,will see whether I did good. Yes, I told everyone that I am not an author etc…
ML_NLP State-of-the-art result for all Machine Learning problems… #MachineLearning
nimirea_ @ACL_NLP @ACL2019_Italy but I'm not a wheelchair user. I'm gonna talk abt another problem that directly affects me: food labeling
photo 1: these sandwiches were on same plate with same (veg) label, even though one has meat and tuna cream. photo 2: no label on table at all
nimirea_ hey @ACL_NLP @ACL2019_Italy let's talk accessibility
this venue was NOT wheelchair accessible. will it be different at other conferences like EMNLP, COLING? unclear. info abt locations focused more on proximity of beach/Disneyland than access (mentioned for ACL 2020 at least)
OscarKocken Ik liep net door Hoog Catherijne en zag daar héél véél mensen die gedwongen waren om vernederende kleren te dragen. Tenminste, ík kan me niet voorstellen dat mensen die kleren vrijwillig dragen en wat je je niet kunt voorstellen is de waarheid toch?
Die Säle sind hier fast so intuitiv nummeriert wie die Sitzplätze der Deutschen Bahn.
@sjmielke Deep Learning & Formal Languages: Building Bridges keynote 4 by John Kelleher
RT @yoavgo: The "Deep Learning and Formal Languages: Building Bridges" ACL workshop today is amazing, exactly what a workshop should be: fo…
tfw you mistake someone for the author of a poster and they not only walk you through it but also offer a critique of the work #acl2019nlp /cc @ArneKoehn
Iwillleavenow The 3 stages of horrific new tech developments:
1) "All of you freaking out about this are paranoid - it's great!"
3) "We are creating a revolutionary new* field called 'studying the thing we broke.'"…
temperate af
Excellent way to structure a talk #acl2019nlp
bomelino in einem kleinen dorf lebte einst ein mädchen namens dörte die für ihren rhabarberkuchen bekannt war
deshalb nannte man sie rhabarberdörte
sie eröffnete eine kneipe
die rhabarberdörtekneipe
dort hatte sie schnell drei schlingel als stammkunden
die rhabarbererdörtekneipenschlingel
sleepinyourhat I just bought credible carbon offsets to offset emissions from lab travel, computing, and events. It was _trivially_ cheap. Consider doing the same.…
lutzmache An update on Android for search providers in Europe @Google…
hzulla Zusammen mit Flugtaxi ist Hyperloop ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie der naive Glaube an eine zukünftige "innovative" Technologie davon ablenken soll, dass man mit ÖPNV, Bahn & ICE längst funktionierende Lösungen des Problems hat, welche man aber kaputt gespart hat.…
durst Typisch ich: Musste heute zusammen mit dem Pöbel zur Fabrik weil der Zeppelin ein Loch hatte und kann nun den Zigarrenabschneider nicht finden weil ich das Monokel im Bus vergessen habe.
GalaxyKate "This AI can generate text"
"This AI can generate semantically-coherent text"
"This AI can generate causally-coherent text"
"This AI can generate narratively-coherent text"
"This AI can generate interesting text"
kle_blatt Könnten wir in Erste Hilfe Kursen bitte mal zwei Sätze über psychische Notfälle wechseln?
texttheater Das ist schon eher meine Krakenweide!
illadvisedno I want "small and accessible computing environment" to mean that I can train your model in my two hour time slot on the free computer at the public library
derwahremawa – Spielst du mit mir und Hugo Ball
– Nein
– Warum
– Weil ich schon mit Norbert Bolz