Berufsbild Luftschlosser (m/w/d)
berndulrich Neid ist eine Erfindung der Ungleichheits-Ideologen…
ThomasStrobl7 Einzige authentische Person des Planeten…
hllizi Thinking positively, maybe we're going to die so fast that Elon won't even get to make his dash for Mars.
@LupinoDotOrg @Vilinthril It could be amusing to say musian, but don't read my OT as a criticism, just as pointing out a fun garden path.
the goal of achieving artificial mouse
hllizi Das Gute am Universitätsdozentendasein ist, daß man anderen Aufgaben stellen kann, für die man selbst zu doof oder zu faul ist, die einen aber interessieren. ("Analysieren Sie Kapitel vier von Rachel Cusks 'Outline' unter Berücksichtigung der Hölderlinschen Mythostheorie")
TonyZador paper out! "most animal behavior is not the result of clever learning algorithms but is encoded in the genome. Specifically, animals are born with highly structured brain connectivity, which must be compressed through a “genomic bottleneck”.…
labenzticker Hummerich, das: Abstoßender, masochistischer, depressiver, krabbenähnlicher Persönlichkeitsanteil vom Planeten Decapod 10.
zirkuspony „kassenbon?“
- „auf wiedersehen!“
„ihnen auch!“
jemand muss die kassiererin und mich wieder ins bett bringen.
publictorsten “There are times when I can be vaguely useful,” Mallard told Reuters, adding that he tried to help care for lawmakers’ babies when possible.…
cdutilhnovaes It's a real tragedy that the critical period to prevent the greatest climatic catastrophe on Earth since the meteorite coincides with a surge of right-wing populists in a number of key countries, who make a point of doing whatever they can to accelerate the catastrophe.
wayfu добро пожаловать в гет область
No, it actually sounds pretty avant-garde.
Smerity A brilliant article with insights from @emilymbender, @sarahbmyers (@AINowInstitute), and more. But taking a step back:
As an NLP researcher, I'm asking what the freaking hell is anyone doing grading student essays with automated tools that I'd not trust on my academic datasets?…
YouShallNotPath Bravo to the anonymous internet artist who made this updated version of Karl Jilg’s classic image.
StefanMuelller 43,522 Berliners demand #climatEmergency status for #Berlin. Why not declare your private climate emergency on top of this?…