wayfu katastrophaler 100-meter-lauf mit mehreren vorletzten
jason_kint Wow. This is an outstanding analysis of Google’s misleading announcement by blog post yesterday. I’m going to stop debating press coverage that ran with it (simply because Google said it) and instead recommend they all read Arvind’s post ASAP. twitter.com/random_walker/…
GalaxyKate Hot take:
The crap-AI essay grading system for the SAT is good actually
because it judges students on the thing that will most impact their lives,
which is being able to convincingly lie to poorly-designed AI.
_del_valle_ I have not stopped thinking about this since I saw it yesterday pic.twitter.com/MYGQbhzuZe
naimxazhar Next time whenever someone hands out to me a brochure I’m gonna do this. pic.twitter.com/TOP5LmChWm
publictorsten "Meetings haben wir von einer Stunde auf eine Viertelstunde gekürzt – das reicht meistens aus, wenn man den Smalltalk weglässt und eine klare Agenda hat. Wir haben uns außerdem darauf geeinigt, E-Mails nur zweimal am Tag zu checken." twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
AlexCKaufman Billionaire industrialist David Koch is dead.
He deployed his stupendous fortune funding climate denial in the years when the science was clear and there was still time to avert catastrophic warming. He died as fires raged from the Amazon to the Arctic.
weltúmspannendes Netz von Trafohäuschen
brynguist #linguisttwitter needs a separate button for interacting w/ tweets so I can give y'all bonus points for including an example of the grammar thing under discussion in your contribution to the discussion
The button would be this dog's face & would be called "I see wat u did there" pic.twitter.com/p360uTKa8m
tfw die pizzaschlange immer noch prohibitiv lang ist