AnneArdon O even uitzoeken welk type stekker ze gebruiken in banglade...-
marty_with_an_e My paper with @tallinzen will be at #emnlp2019! We compare LSTMs, BERT, and GPT: syntactic agreement hits a performance ceiling with surprisingly little data (~10m tokens) and small models. Obvious to some, but: Big data isn't going to magically solve linguistics, folks.
drgonzo123 Be the elephant you want to see in the room.
On page 65 of 384 of Beyond Weird, by Philip Ball: "If you accept Bohr's rigor/complacen...…
publictorsten Bei Wikipedia/Wikimedia geht es wieder rund.…
kkklawitter Liebe @DB_Bahn ihr seid cool und habt Recht.
emilymbender @aryamccarthy "en-arXiv-ing" is a great deployment of English derivational morphology :)
I think it's fine for folks to promote their papers ahead of the conference, but I hope that everyone will update their links to the ACL Anthology (@read_papers) once those versions are available.
zirkuspony warum ich für manche emails einen ganzen tag brauche
email schreiben: 3 min
überlegen, welchen satz ich mit punkt und welchen mit ausrufezeichen beende: 6 h
der beziehungstiefe entsprechende grußformel finden: 17 h 57 min
Popehat "Lawyers, price your beach houses!"…
benni_b So. Jetzt hab ich mal die ganze Recherche zum Thema Aussterben der Menschheit und Klimakrise zusammen gefasst:…
alexdemling Vorhin hat @DieTechniker nochmal angerufen:
- Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau sei nicht ihre Aufgabe
- Ich hätte ja die Satzung lesen können
- Ja, es sei ein Mittel zur Kundengewinnung, die Kurse nur Vätern zu erstatten, deren Frau auch da versichert ist
ojahnn "Nennen Sie die drei Merkmale von..." - "Let me google that for you."
"Wie berechnet man..." - "Let me google that for you."
@ojahnn Kannst ja noch schnell das von 2009 erzählen…
annargrs Teaching an intro PyTorch tutorial at ESSLLI. Audience is 80% linguists, and I start very confident I know how to talk to former colleagues.
A question halfway into the tutorial:
- Sorry, what is "GPU"?
(Sound of my brain overclocking to reassess the rest of the material)
wayfu (dt.) Kartoffelpüree = (engl.) knautsch potato
perseveresther Frickelgrind
danprimack 3/ Story updated: Price less than $3 million.
danprimack Automattic paid peanuts for Tumblr. Source familiar puts it well south of $20 million.
Reminder: Yahoo paid $1.1 billion for it.…
emilymbender @read_papers @StevenBird @knmnyn @mjpost Frankly, it looks way better for you, too, to have that link go to the polished ACL Anthology page rather than the wild west of arXiv or other random web space.
emilymbender #PSA for #NLProc people: The ACL Anthology (@read_papers) is a tremendous resource, thanks to the efforts of @StevenBird, @knmnyn, @mjpost & many others.
Please link to the anthology rather than arXiv or pdfs on your own website whenever possible, to help maintain its profile.
TIL "Heath Robinson contraption"…
On page 27 of 384 of Beyond Weird, by Philip Ball: "[Quantum mechanics] is not so much a...…