The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

May 2nd, 2016

starsandrobots Incredibly empathetic insight via a friend on facebook about a possible (hidden) reason for drinking Soylent.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:51 PM, May 2nd, 2016 via Twitter for Android)

paniq @texttheater basically it's about the difficulty of concentrating on work when something's constantly going on ;)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:50 PM, May 2nd, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

paniq @texttheater it has a bit of a backstory too :) it is inspired by the sounds in the small office i used to work back then

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:50 PM, May 2nd, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

CodeWisdom “C is memory with syntactic sugar.” - Dennis Kubes

via Buffer (retweeted on 7:23 PM, May 2nd, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

The uncanny atmosphere of this composition by @paniq intrigues me…

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Freihandel: TTIP stirbt langsam | ZEIT ONLINE…

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ATBrokenNews Bauernopfer: Dramatischer Anstieg auf dem Schachbrett

via ORFBrokenNewsBot (retweeted on 5:54 PM, May 2nd, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

Man muss seinem Chef unmissverständliche Befehle erteilen, dann klappt die Zusammenarbeit.

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ojahnn The correct way to respond to your friend's whiny email from last night.

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astefanowitsch Rick Astley, “Never Gonna Give You Up”

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 3:13 PM, May 2nd, 2016 via Twitter for Android)

kathrinpassig "Wir dürfen nicht '10 Jahre' sagen, es waren ja nur 9."
"Egal, wer noch nie Off-by-one-Fehler gemacht hat, werfe den zweiten Stein."

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Yakkety Yak: best Ubuntu release codename yet

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Perspektivwechsel "Früchte der Liebe und des Zorns – Vom Fachmann für Kenner"…

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🙃 ist das Emoji für Neugier. Weil: Schiefgelegter Kopf. Extrem schiefgelegter Kopf.

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@nsaphra I agree. Still don't see any merit in that UD definition.

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