fiveub My favourite trend I've seen on Google Trends so far:
TIL 1) "makeover" is a school subject in France, 2) they call it "relooking".
Laser Products #lustiges #feedly
"humor comes in the obvious contrivance and the slight disbelief in the audience that someone has bothered" #puns…
nsaphra I thought the worst part of speech programming would be not singing while I coded, but today I tried to drink tea around my mic. 😥
SPIEGELCaptions Mainzer Klüngel: Passion der Macht
SPIEGELCaptions Web-Seiten von „Friendster“-Teilnehmern: Für viele Angehörige keine Option
stanfordnlp 54 consistently annotated treebanks of 40 languages now available in version 1.3 of Universal Dependencies – #nlproc
plomlompom It's "das Publikum floh wie vor einem echten herannahenden Zug" all over again:… #VirtualReality #ImmersionsMythen
chromakode I'm on my inaugural run of my app "Picnic". Currently in a car headed to Daly City somewhere.
chromakode So, for the @stupidhackathon I made an app that orders delivery to a random location, and ubers you there...
inky wish I had a name that revealed text-encoding bugs wherever it went
@MMugnaia Licht? :D
Whoa, this company claims they have made a babelfish.