NuanceInc A Turing Test alternative shows we have a long way to go for computers to understand us bit.ly/winograd-schem… #AI pic.twitter.com/LZCttcHzKL
ojahnn Leave it to Allison to perfectly express my feelings today. Writing Java is easy. Setting up a Java project is hard. twitter.com/aparrish/statu…
arbesman I have a piece in @HarvardBiz on “Why Technologists Should Think Like Biologists” hbr.org/2016/07/why-te…
OliFer Google announces open beta of Google Cloud Natural Language API cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2016/07/the-la…
MicroSFF "Pokemon Go enthusiasm has reached its projected peak."
"Good. Now announce the legendary Mewtwo can only be found on Mars."
"Yes, Mr Musk."
Möglichkeit essen Notwendigkeit auf

zachwhalen Some brilliant conceptual haiku in this month's Highlights magazine. By Nathan, age 9, #botALLY. pic.twitter.com/E9UwBrz22z

twahlin Best Pie Chart I've seen in a while pic.twitter.com/6KfKC4YreW
ojahnn Was bedeutet "du hast ein gegendertes Wort verwendet"? Ist das Wort...
texttheater @ojahnn Meine Theorie zu dieser seltsamen Doppelbedeutung: verben.texttheater.net/forum/index.ph…
@ojahnn Meine Theorie zu dieser seltsamen Doppelbedeutung: verben.texttheater.net/forum/index.ph…
iwelsh Contra the propaganda, free riders are a minor problem at the bottom. It is top end free riders who cause problems.
ojahnn A specific type of people likes to search for those keywords and argue with people who have "wrong" opinions. That's an asshole tactic.
ojahnn The other best thing is that the bot isn't aggressive. All it does is post opinions about certain topics.

ojahnn The best thing about this is that someone created an account to manually "troll" that bot. @NoraReed pic.twitter.com/9hPLT5fzkP
ojahnn The wonderful @NoraReed used @v21's cheapbotsdonequick.com to make a bot that wastes assholes' time. <3

peterbreuer Interessantes Material in den AKP-Mails auf Wikileaks. 7,6 Zentimeter in wenigen Tagen – warum schweigt die Presse? pic.twitter.com/l8hUW3bV5R
professorbunsen Großartig! "Mürrische Indifferenz ist eine sehr stabile Abwehrlinie." twitter.com/formschub/stat…
asayeed I'm personally not against plebiscites, but they could be improved by being set on a scale of 1 to 10 plus "maybe" and "dunno" options.
@urbit_ Always getting stuck on "awaiting hood" when trying to create my fake zod. :(
Augstein Über @RenateKuenast Netzmeute und tödliche Polizeigewalt. Es geht nicht um Täterschutz - sondern um unseren Schutz. facebook.com/JakobAugstein/