leyawn i have been watching a lot of soccer this week and have some ideas on how to make it better. i give you soccer 2 pic.twitter.com/04OLBsL6sg
jodie__martin Is there a word for the opposite of anniversary? A year until something happens? A Pre-anniversary? Preversary?
Hi @audible, just canceled my membership. To get me back, negotiate global deals with more publishers. Geoblocking sucks.
UKPLab CfP: SemEval-2017 Shared Task on Puns logological.org/puns #NLProc #CompLing pic.twitter.com/e7QPonZaZZ
I have several close friends whose e-mail address I don’t have. Unthinkable in 2011, normal in 2016.
"Im Jetzt leben: Wenn du die Zeit spüren willst, sei ungeduldig." titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2016/… #lustiges #feedly
bznotes LOL. Made my day. pic.twitter.com/34hHdbsiOt
bassena Witzigerweise geht's FPÖ nun ähnl. wie #Brexitern: Sie haben "versehentl." gewonnen, wo Niederlage strateg. hilfreicher gewesen wäre. #VfGH
doberah Germany's @BILD quotes a Theresa May staffer as saying “Mrs May is like Mrs Merkel – just without the sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll”.
personaldebatte "Mein zweiter Name ist Gefahr!"
"Jürgen Gefahr Kasulke?"
"Jürgen Gefahr Teppich Kasulke. Mein dritter Name ist Teppich."
MagicRealismBot An entrepreneur is found dead in a locked room. Next to him is a grandfather clock and an embittered panther. Can you explain what happened?