durst Fledermäuse und ihr stummer Schrei nach Orientierung.
PhilippSeifried mcmansionhell.com is fun to read, and you learn a thing about architecture... pic.twitter.com/iZfPtCtGXQ
jitka i googled "triangle train" to see if there are any triangle trains and i found a triangle train pic.twitter.com/DlBoItoQcZ
fxneumann Gebloggt: Höfliche Konter. Überlegungen zur Zivilisierung der Kommentarspalte fxneumann.de/2016/09/01/hoe… pic.twitter.com/Cnh0fr20XD
People complaining that we're always staring at our phones: don't worry, we'll replace those with eye implants soon.
eponvert oh, balls. @jasonbaldridge is officially no-longer an academic ONE DAY and this is what happens pic.twitter.com/mV1b0qFRPT
Shida Bazyar über Othering und Benjamin-Blümchen-Kassetten zeit.de/freitext/2016/…
texttheater Nach rückstandsfreier Auflösung und rückstandsfreier Erlösung zeit.de/2008/05/Tom-Cr… jetzt auch: rückstandsfreie Ablösung zeit.de/politik/deutsc…
deliprao Advice to all DL crazed NLP people: make sure you have 1 of max margin, random forest, & NB baseline before you blog all your "deep" results
sageandspirit2 French kiss. pic.twitter.com/DKfGmCU9Xz
hllizi Also known as the "divine solution" (what God would do). twitter.com/texttheater/st…
SoVeryBritish "Oh, while I'm here..." - Translation: Everything I've said up to this point has been filler
Oh-oh! A two-year-old's solution to the trolley problem - YouTube youtube.com/watch?v=-N_RZJ…
Nachtvogel Was ist an SUV-Fahrern denn „ganz normal“? pic.twitter.com/3Lsq68SiZA
chouxsie ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Super-kompetente Heilpraktikerin, wir hätten fast überlebt.
elnathan_john I miss exchanging the black nod with random black people in Germany. Too many confident, comfortably-black black people in London.
hllizi Hm, Örkelietze, Rägemorz, Wurkelömes, soll ich weiter machen? twitter.com/bangpowwww/sta…
tzeeet A good example pic.twitter.com/YIbbUtWHV4
bcantrill Real reason we open sourced everything: it's easier to search the internet than it was to search our internal wiki