wellendonner Never trust a test that you haven't seen fail. -.-
peterbreuer Sollte mir etwas zustoßen – den bitte nicht. pic.twitter.com/hgpXTT4NdR
missokistic Apparently you're not supposed to tell friends' kids their baby eyeballs will fall out and this is the Eyeball Fairy. pic.twitter.com/TueOGaiP53
dmonbeer We hope that this year's Fibonacci conference will be as big as the last two combined.
labenzticker Stücklmühle, die: Eine Kulturtechnik, die sich entwickelt, wo breiten Bevölkerungsteilen der Zugang zu akademischer… labenz.texttheater.net/St%C3%BCcklm%C…
"Solutions, not problems" Ask The Other Director by Scott Adams dilbert.com/strip/2016-09-… via @Dilbert_Daily
"In-character framing of topical comments" News via Voldemort: Parody accounts in topical discussions on Twitter nms.sagepub.com/content/early/…