benjancewicz Did you ever notice that nearly every villain is trying to change the world, while every superhero is trying to preserve the status quo?
blawlawlaw And all arguments against the serial (Oxford) comma immediately collapse:
Chaosfux Chaoswugs
ojahnn Now there are two. There are two __________ .…
ojahnn Heute: Gegenwesen kommt nach Hause, ich begrüße es aufgeregt mit "Neuerwerb!" und es antwortet besserwisserisch "NeuES Verb."
stephenroller Me: "Sweetie, it's noon, let's wake up. I'll make coffee."
Immigrant gf: "No! Trump said he wants extreme bedding for immigrants!"
dgmacarthur Beautifully pitched parody of so much modern artisanal small-batch science - the noise miners:…
"Aber wenn halt, zefix, niemand sonst entscheidet, dann kann ich einspringen"… #blogs #feedly
hllizi @texttheater etwas bekanntkleben
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