hallo TEDi warum verkauft ihr leere batterien seid ihr dumm oder so
nhannahjones #MLKday2017 The real, non-homogenized Dr. King. pic.twitter.com/uusHJkGeZy
We need whistleblowers now more than ever. Join the #PardonSnowden tweetstorm to tell @POTUS to do the right thing. TweetForSnowden.com
daniel_bohrer #TeX Stack Overflow in a nutshell:
— I need <simple feature>
— ✔ Use this trivial code: <4 pages of unexplained magic TeX incantations>
drluebbers Falls sich jemand wundert,warum Ärzte nicht offen über #Homöopathie sprechen.
@jameda_de bewertet jetzt auch Tweets… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
mirza9 The greatest George W. Bush post of all time. pic.twitter.com/j993lVy6Iy
bcrypt 1. pay for movie
2. the movie thinks you are trying to steal it because your projector is too old to support DRM
3. pirate the movie
Ach nee, gibt ja keinen.
Noch zehn Tage, dann setz ich mir nen lustigen Hut auf.
viktorklang Just saw a parmesan-infused german sausage.
Clearly this is the wurst-käse scenario everyone's always talking about.
BenedictEvans Google search for ‘medical bankruptcy’ by region pic.twitter.com/yZ4YZKgbsu
Quality, qualicy and qualitics
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis according to #Arrival: when you learn their language, you gain their superpowers.
1) rot
2) lustiges Tier auf dem Etikett
thewildestsea I love you, pocket friends. pic.twitter.com/HQY0DdlIeO
rabbitandcoffee Life Accordion To Trump pic.twitter.com/srw44SKbfL