"Shoo!" New Hire Makes More by Scott Adams dilbert.com/strip/2017-01-… via @Dilbert_Daily
MachinePix Fish-controlled car, like an inverse scuba suit. pic.twitter.com/ESNm1MpLMo
Context-free glamour
AltNatParkSer If you are angered by the science denial coming from Trump's administration, please support the scientistsmarchonwashington.com #ScienceMarch
univgroningen Docent van het Jaar: Malvina Nissim. Ze wint zowel de juryprijs als de publieksprijs. De webprijs is voor Barend va… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@swordfish23 Jup, das ist seit Jahren auf mehreren großen Kreuzungen so und funktioniert prima.
BauN3RD Wer von euch hier designt Logos für Ärzte? pic.twitter.com/Lg0yENDMB6
ericgeller It's happening: The White House has ordered the EPA to delete its climate change page. reuters.com/article/us-usa… pic.twitter.com/LfsKUsOdMn
leahmcelrath This needs HUGE attention:
First, FELONY charges against PROTESTERS.
Now, FELONY charges against JOURNALISTS. twitter.com/jonswaine/stat…
edyong209 .@314action is encouraging & helping scientists to get elected. In 2 weeks, 405 people have signed up. theatlantic.com/science/archiv…
nippon_en The government plans to give highly skilled foreigners permanent residency after living in Japan for just one year.… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
gregpinelo Nope. They don’t get to do this quietly. Spread the word. twitter.com/ABC/status/810…
Thread. Re: privilege is not a crime, and pointing it out is not an accusation. twitter.com/heidiheilig/st…
MedievalReacts When your owner gives you a treat every time you're a good boy but you're a good boy all the time so now you're a f… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
the_author_ You don't "disagree" on whether or not genocide is a good idea. You shut down the people advocating it by any means necessary.
martijnwieling PhD position available with @overlastrecht! Automatic analysis of legal judgments. More info: wieling@gmail.com
@ojahnn Genau, das Bild hatte ich vor Augen! :D
@ojahnn Geht beides nicht erst in Kombination miteinander richtig ab? ;)
Taalpost Nu integraal gratis online: 'combinatiewoordenboek'. combinatiewoordenboek.nl
GrumpyEmmi Es kann kein Zufall sein, dass der Badezusatz "Glückliche Auszeit" aussieht wie das Blut der Bourgeoisie. pic.twitter.com/wjcGGmmQNm
texttheater Fette Beute brachte das Gelage in den Wegelagerer.
Dutch Government Wants to Counter Trump With Abortion Funds nyti.ms/2kq1pi2
vmbrasseur Please don't forget you can save any page/tweet forever. Use the Save Page Now form on the Wayback Machine:… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
EnglishRussia1 People of Moscow made a photo of a "mysterious shadow boat" on a Moscow river. Later, they understood that it's jus… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
jengolbeck I'm building a network of scientists to help government scientists & sci communicators who inevitably will be fired… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…