talyarkoni hypertools: an awesome-looking Python package for visualizing high-dimensional data — by @andyheusser and others github.com/ContextLab/hyp…
frachtschaden Mir ist gerade eingefallen, dass ich noch Mars-Eisriegel und vier Dosen Bier da habe. Ihr könnt euch vorstellen, was jetzt los ist.
gutelius Don't know about you, but I'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything but saving the country.
yonatanzunger The thing that's really worrying me about "Trial Balloon for a Coup?" is that I'm not being flooded with explanations of why I'm wrong.
emilymbender Join us at EMNLP 2017! Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable #NLProc Systems
Smollsassysloth Me listening to German: "Oh yes I completely understand your complex problems."
Speaking German: "Ich habe neue Schuhe gekocht."
Evan_McMullin The unwillingess of some Executive Branch officials to comply with court orders is indeed cause for great concern. reut.rs/2jjue3D
evoque "God fucking damnit" indeed #somethingawful pic.twitter.com/yGjGDuD2HE
Mr_Twoflower Den Schmerz spüren. pic.twitter.com/VzY5g5HJ8l
sarahjeong I'm going to keep repeating this until everyone's sick of it: CBP is acting illegally. This is illegal. twitter.com/jacksmithiv/st…
yonatanzunger Trying to analyze what the past 24h mean for us. We may have just seen the trial balloon for a coup.
SoVeryBritish Nearly having a panic attack when you hear "tickets, please!", as you sit in the correct seat holding your fully valid ticket
SPIEGELCaptions Streik von Lkw-Fahrern in Mumbai: Wie riegelt man 3140 Kilometer ab?
ojahnn Höflichkeits-Deadlock twitter.com/Kaputtmachbot/…