SkeptatorTalk Alles alternativ ...
@amyquispe I prefer to call it "sane time". :p
amyquispe Just realized I never notice when it's 4:20 because all my shit's in military time.
antjeschrupp Mein neuer Blogpost enthält fettgedruckte Passagen, Großbuchstaben und jede Menge Ausrufezeichen !!!!!…
ESYudkowsky Starfleet UX designers learned that if they didn't make some bridge consoles explode, captains would ignore damage until the shields failed.
kathrinpassig Seid nicht unglücklich, wenn andere taub für eure Argumente sind. Ich sehe alles erst Wochen später ein & Gesprächspartner erfahren es nie.
EliTerry I also endured this hardship. i fed my son Tevin dog food and accidentally set fire to my daughter, whatshername.
ojahnn kennt ihr das wenn man umzieht und merkt dass was wichtiges verlorengegangen ist
Smerity For every time we see a neural network architecture with a million widgets and no ablations:…
gchrupala "The technology is not the problem. The problem is a political system that doesn’t ensure the benefits accrue to ev……
myhlee .@PressSec's claims on crowd sizes were so riddled with falsehoods that we wish we could give Five Pinocchios.…
emilyslist On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, when #reprorights face greater threats than ever before, show your commitment to……