The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

January 14th, 2018

mutablejoe black mirror idea: there is a website you have to log in to every day to see messages that make you angry and scared but the twist is ... you chose the messengers yourself

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:33 PM, Jan 14th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

Elise_Logan Dear Millenials: Here is a piece of information you may not know. The number of millenials age 18 and over (i.e., of voting age), now exceeds the number of living baby boomers. To be clear: IF YOU VOTE, YOU WILL OUTNUMBER THEM. Love, Me (GenX).

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:33 PM, Jan 14th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

Office Lens, angewendet auf etwas Dreidimensionales

via Twitter for Android

SoVeryBritish Levels of saying “I want to leave”:

1. Sitting on edge of sofa
2. Looking at watch
3. Saying “is that the time?”
4. Slapping thighs
5. Saying “right”
6. Placing mug near sink
7. Putting on coat
8. Saying “right” again

You’re staying for at least another hour at this point.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:28 PM, Jan 14th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

SHodyEsq @AlyseKilleen @starkness @NellieBowles @AriannaSimpson Agreed. But since we don’t do flashy things like rent orange lambos on the weekends, we’re apparently less interesting to talk about... thus perpetuating the impression of imbalance.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:11 PM, Jan 14th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

Bunny_Schrulle "Oh, Du hast einen Staubsaugerroboter?"
"Dann tragen die Ameisen das Waffeleisen raus."

via Twitter for Windows (retweeted on 3:42 PM, Jan 14th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

frachtschaden Kein Blatt ist so weiß wie das, auf dem mal ein Research proposal stehen soll.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 12:01 PM, Jan 14th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)