@sjmielke True, but too complex for beginners imho, and maybe not mature enough.
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Auf die Faust? pic.twitter.com/3WOcq4g2l7
SophiePassmann Find‘s total enttäuschend, dass wir übehaupt wissen, dass es Geheimdienste gibt.
stoewer „Wann hörst du endlich auf, an dem blöden Regal rum zu dübeln?“
„Wenn ich es für angebracht halte.“
cloudzillion My personal favorite from @naval on periscope was probably the dessert: "Hard-work is overrated, Judgement is underrated. Which direction you go is more important than the force you apply." ...among the many other gems.
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emilymbender @rikkoncelkedzio "Once you have your words encoded as numbers, the next step is to turn them into other numbers" -- @rikkoncelkedzio continues his fantastic NN overview