Eilenbrat Kirsch-Birne-Knirschschiene
raeuberhose Formidable Beleidigung. pic.twitter.com/qudxvodrot
Ach ja: Alle, die der SPD vorwerfen, sie hätte nichts durchgesetzt, werden für vier Jahre in ein Paralleluniversum mit absoluter Unionsmehrheit strafversetzt.
textundblog Absolut faszinierend! Das Video unbedingt in Vollbildmodus & HD betrachten. Watch the History of the World Unfold on an Animated Map: From 200,000 BCE to Today goo.gl/KSgceC via @openculture pic.twitter.com/TNQFeqAWDG
jburnmurdoch Quick thread collating recent research on media — old and new — and political polarisation:
tl;dr we obsess over social media filter bubbles, but evidence suggests old media and the least "social" of new media (partisan news sites, not social platforms) are the real problem
leonceundlena Weltenbrand (mind. 2 Jahre im Eichenfass gereift).
existentialpink yesterday my mom stopped to help a stranded motorist who couldn’t get his car to accelerate, and kindly informed him that he needed to stop trying to rev the engine, as it was flooding his fuel line with gas. he told her didn’t need a lady’s opinion. anyway his car caught fire