nsaphra I'm taking a pre-social nap so I have that extra energy by tomorrow morning for my #NAACL2019 poster on the learning dynamics of neural language models!
Make sure you swing by Wednesday 10:30-12:30, it's poster #9 and I'll be wearing some pretty fun socks.
sebgehr Little known #naacl2019 experience tip: It's perfectly acceptable to go and take a nap. Especially before the social event. Night everyone, see you later.
TaylorLorenz @youngandjoven WSJ wrote that 2 years ago wsj.com/articles/ask-n…
youngandjoven Can someone write an article on millenials killing the doorbell industry by texting "here"
"I've been asked to chair this table."
yuvalpi Ji-Ung Lee: our idea of dealing with this drop in performance starts at training *visually-informed* character embeddings, based on the VIPER system (i.e., character pixel images as input) #naacl2019
yuvalpi Ji-Ung Lee: our VIPER system (VIsual PERtruber) uses unicode character embeddings based on pixel values to create examples with slightly-different çharacters #naacl2019
yuvalpi Ji-Ung Lee: [not tweeting the impressive examples of this phenomenon for fear of getting this thread flagged; check out e.g. Tables 1 and 4 in the paper - YP] #naacl2019
w3ltraumpirat If I stop buying Apple products, it's because of this.
Seriously, regardless of shitty keyboards and other flaws - this stinks to the gates of hell: The richest company in the world building the most expensive personal computer in the world at the cost of kids and families. twitter.com/dankim/status/…
Can someone make this into a LaTeX package? twitter.com/ojahnn/status/…
tetisheri I’m a new kind of racialized global south cyborg now. My new updates allow for accent switching to talk to white machines.
thomas_violence oh my god.... the Queen received Trump in the Funtleburough Room and not the Sussleburey-Oxenflart Parlour 😂 and she seated the Marquess of Doombledendowndurredge two seats to Trump's right at the Saint Pheasantsmas dinner 😂😂😂😂😂 she is a messy bitch i am SCREAMING 😂
mmbollmann @ojahnn That's certainly one good aspect! Another is reading groups -- slides can be very useful when discussing a paper.
ojahnn I'm considering uploading slides and posters from my conference presentations to the ACL Anthology! Wondering how these additional files will be used by the community. Maybe to get a faster overview that doesn't require you to read all X pages of the paper itself? twitter.com/mjpost/status/…
sameer_bansal What’s the best data structure: graphs, trees or strings? Stop by Marco’s talk to learn about “Structural Neural Encoders for AMR-to-text Generation”, Wednesday 5th, 14:42, room: Greenway. #naacl2019 @EdinburghNLP @mdtux
mdlhx Here are the slides: cl.lingfil.uu.se/~miryam/papers… #naacl2019 - ok I'll stop bugging y'all with this now twitter.com/mdlhx/status/1…
Today's perfect moment occurred when two things happened at the same time:
1) I realized I was walking in the wrong direction.
2) I was passing a building with a revolving door.
mjpost If you’d like to submit your presentation or poster for archiving in the ACL Anthology, please use the following form: forms.office.com/Pages/Response… #NAACL2019
Halcyon_L My "Year with Alexa" research began this summer...I have already had to change my wake up alarm time to 6:40 am because she hears my 6:30 as 6:50. So 6:40 is my compromise.
ojahnn First sentence of my dissertation's Background chapter twitter.com/MobyDickatSea/…
retrogamesev Unsere #PacMan Reise geht weiter … ihr findet den Automaten jetzt in der #Stadtbibliothek #Karlsruhe
#freeplay #arcade pic.twitter.com/PHTjGOjsW0
EvaAlisic "We wanted to see whether Goodhart’s Law applied: are researchers focusing too much on simply attaining certain target metrics at the expense of high-quality, relevant research?"
This is worth a read (via @Protohedgehog):
@ojahnn It needs more examples then :D
nicosemsrott Als einzelner EU-Abgeordneter kann man wenig ausrichten. Als Mitglied des Realo-Flügels von @DiePARTEI habe ich deshalb jetzt die grüne Fraktion bei mir aufgenommen. Herzlich Willkommen, liebe @GreensEP!
Short thread on @johannesbjerva's #naacl2019 talk (twitter.com/johannesbjerva…) twitter.com/BayesForDays/s…
@yuvalpi @stanfordnlp Model architecture #naacl2019 pic.twitter.com/KtpdXU2lPO
yuvalpi Cao: our approach is to first generate a (constituent) graph, then fill it in with words based on the AMR graph.
AMR corpus doesn't have gold parse-trees, so we used @stanfordnlp 's parser for that. #naacl2019
hllizi Warm aber sexy twitter.com/Tagesspiegel/s…
ndaktuell #F4F nutzt eine Rede von Wolfgang #Schäuble für ein Die-In. Sie werfen der Bundesregierung vor den #Klimawandel nicht ernst zu nehmen. dasND.de/1120107
jacobeisenstein Last reminder! Slides and notebooks for my #naacl2019 tutorial on Modeling Language Change are online. Follow all the action from the comfort of your own laptop.
amirieb #naacl2019 Recursive Subtree Composition in LSTM-Based Dependency Parsing. Miryam de Lhoneux, Miguel Ballesteros and Joakim Nivre. @NAACLHLT @mdlhx @migballesteros @JoakimNivre aclweb.org/anthology/N19-…
amirieb #naacl2019 Cross-lingual CCG Induction. Kilian Evang. @NAACLHLT @texttheater aclweb.org/anthology/N19-…
"Humans can actually understand head-final languages. At least some humans can." #OH #naacl2019
Starting soon! twitter.com/texttheater/st…
Grumpfdalm Velbert, wo 1964 die Musiker um den Sänger Lukas Ried die später weltberühmte Kapelle Velbert Untergrund gründeten.
Tuhin66978276 Nice example of generating clarifying questions 😂 by @raosudha89 at the generation track #NLProc #naacl2019 pic.twitter.com/zwwiuB2ObI
c_borstell PSA:
A microphone 🎤 isn't magical. It does not amplify your voice just by holding it. You also need to speak *into* it. pic.twitter.com/w6GmyxVtM9
skyglowberlin CEST is not the same as CET. GMT is not (currently) UK time. Saying what time the meeting is in some particular city works a lot better than incorrectly specifying a time zone.
quermitdenker Klimawandel ist mehr als plus 1,5, 2 oder 4 Grad Durchschnittstemperatur. Wir reden über
- Häufigere Extremereignisse (Frequenz)
- Extremere Spitzenwerte nicht nur bei Temperatur (Magnitude)
- Verlust der Lebensgrundlage, Flucht, Todesfälle
amaury_upmc This year, i've declined invitations to conferences in Poland, Greece, China and Russia and did not register to two conferences i would have looooved to attend in the US. Let's all reduce the demand for kerosene. #flyingless #FlightFree2020 twitter.com/amaury_upmc/st…
Marco_Fechner Vielleicht wäre es nach #mitrechtenreden-Artikel Nr. 68.354.363 an der Zeit, mit denjenigen Ostdeutschen zu reden, die den ganzen Scheiss auch durch haben und trotzdem keine Nazis wählen. Ist nämlich a) die Mehrheit und b) die Gruppe, die WIRKLICH Stärkung und Beachtung verdient!
DeSpeld Wij vertaalden 30 nog niet vertaalde woorden uit het Engels speld.nl/2019/06/03/wij…
oepen mtool (The Swiss Army Knife of Meaning Representation): scoring and support software for the @conll2019 Shared Task on Meaning Representation Parsing #MRP2019). pre-release on Microsoft GitHub: github.com/cfmrp/mtool
LaserMWebber Hi, I'm non-binary and I made this because maybe you don't know what your hip gender-neutral bathroom signs seem like they're saying?
(this is my proposed solution:) adacentral.com/ada-gender-neu… pic.twitter.com/qgUBdHh4lu
wellformedness Another libfix report, with four new-to-me entries:
allen_ai Help us develop better common sense #AI! 💡 Add your own creative commonsense questions that you think a child under the age of 7, anywhere around the world, would be able to answer in our new interactive demo CrowdSense: crowdsense.apps.allenai.org #CommonSenseAI #AI4Good #NLP pic.twitter.com/dvx62v5Llm