UEberLauch @frachtschaden @Chaosfux "Überleben muss wieder Spaß machen"
frachtschaden denn "öko" MUSS spaß machen, es darf einfach nicht anders sein auch muss man "öko" so verwenden wie "sex" du ich hatte gestern krassen öko weil öko MUSS spaß machen sag ich immer wenn öko kein SPASS macht dann lass es alter
isoglosse @EnglishGibson The audio samples on the Duden website are taken from the Aussprachedatenbank of ARD – a database that, if you ask me, should be publicly accessible. You may be right that frequent contrastive use might have led them to believe that final stress should be used as a default.
EnglishGibson Just found out that “DJ” has a feminine form in German: “DJane”.
At first I assumed it was pronounced /diːdʒɛɪ̯ˈaːnə/ und habe mich gefragt, was der Scheiße soll.
Then I found out it was pronounced /diːˈdʒɛɪ̯n/ (as in “Jane”) and I still want to know, was der Scheiße soll! pic.twitter.com/fQr85dWnau
Grumpfdalm Einen wohlerzogenen und einen unerzogenen Hund haben und sie Feinibert und Neinibert nennen 🐶🐶😍
hllizi Ich dachte ja irgendwann wirklich mal, die Amis hätten sowas LOL twitter.com/RAStadler/stat…
mspowahs Fine, I'll spell it out: MySpace, LiveJournal, and NeoPets were able to teach kids—all kids, yes, but, and this is very important, largely girls—how to code because the coding education happened incidentally, outside the pipelines where people are told what they can and can't do.
hllizi Leider können aber längst nicht alle Werte in sozialverträglicher Weise öffentlich gelebt werden. Werte, bei denen dies nicht der Fall ist, bitte wir Sie, ausschließlich zuhause, oder besser noch, und im Interesse Ihrer Lieben, gar nicht zu leben.
"Trinkt jemand von euch *kein* Bier?" - "Ich nicht!"
"Es gibt ein Platzproblem: Ich platze gleich."
Mozzole Superhero der Woche. 💙 twitter.com/nocontextfooty…
adinamwilliams “The lexicon is like a prison – it contains only the lawless, and the only thing that its inmates have in common is lawlessness.”
Di Sciullo & Williams (1987: 3) (a different #williams) #weekendquote
wellformedness A reviewer complained about my use of "import" (as a noun) and "praxis". Sorry loser! Guess what changes I didn't make?!
wellformedness From this we conclude that "Bonferroni-corrected random split hypothesis testing" is more robust than using a single split and suggest that researchers who wish to firmly establish that a new system is SOTA at a given task use this technique.
wellformedness Our second experiment is a reproduction. We randomly generate 20 random 80%-10%-10% splits and repeat the experiments, correcting for familywise error rate using the Bonferroni procedure. The fancy Stanford tagger is no longer looking so better than simpler perceptron models. pic.twitter.com/4JpLv1IMif
wellformedness Our first experiment is a replication. We come very close to published numbers for all 6 taggers. All taggers are significantly different from each other according to the McNemar test (2-sided, mid-p variant, alpha = .05). So far the Whig History of Tagging looks intact. pic.twitter.com/T5OK0YSD2X
wellformedness "We need to talk about standard splits", with @stevenbedrick, to appear at @ACL2019_Italy:
One of the few practices we all agree on in speech and language technology is evaluation with a held-out test set. But is that good enough for ranking systems?
EuroPride @janamelani37 @MayaMitKind They are not. They were there for a few minutes before they were forced to leave by security. If they return they will be removed by the organisers @EuroPride2019.
Regolith Linux is the i3 Ubuntu Spin You’ve Been Waiting For omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/06/instal… via @omgubuntu
milosstanojevic @zehavoc @yoavgo I agree that one of the core questions is which linguistic structure is the right one, but I don't think it will be resolved by F-score comparison. It can eventually be answered only by (psycho)linguistic research. BERT is a big engineering success but adds nothing to science
Vilinthril 1. Diese Aussage ist falsch.
2. Die folgende Aussage ist wahr.
3. Die ersten beiden Aussagen sind falsch.
Vilinthril Ouch: On straightwashing historical figures, via @loewenheim . reddit.com/r/SapphoAndHer…
milosstanojevic The first wide-coverage Minimalist Grammar parser!
Read all about it stanojevic.github.io/papers/2019_AC…
The work will be presented at @ACL2019_Italy
Joint work with John Torr, Mark Steedman and Shay Cohen
chazfirestone All the balls are the same color — and that color is *brown*! pic.twitter.com/JriPXHnNYR