hllizi A country full of guns, but nobody can shoot. twitter.com/GunDeaths/stat…
VerbingNouns Bringing Leah's fantastic observations back because "distal singular they" is something I think about A LOT. #THEY2019 twitter.com/leahvelleman/s…
nsaphra Another entry in the same genre as "Attention is not Explanation", a dialog I am very much enjoying! twitter.com/soldni/status/…
WIRED The fanfiction database Archive of Our Own contains nearly 5 million fanworks—about the size of the English Wikipedia. This is the tagging system that keeps it all organized and running smoothly. wired.trib.al/bNxubUC
nsaphra @emilymbender (But DL outsiders coming in to make number go up is great for researchers who want to explore deeper! It establishes "low inductive bias" baselines and saturates the subfield dedicated to incremental improvements on them.)
ErikMarquardt Und morgen macht @SPIEGELONLINE dann einen Artikel über die Verbotspartei CDU, die Cannabis verbietet, weils verboten ist, ja? twitter.com/spiegelonline/…
@perseveresther @Dunkelmagier @HansvonKaese hätte da auch nicht übel lust drauf
dl1eam Die Klos im RE19 von @AbellioNRW haben einen ernsten Bug in der Steuerung. Meldet der Fäkalienbehältet "voll" bleibt die Kabine automatisch verriegelt. Auch von innen. Druck des Tasters zum Öffnen ergab nur "This lavatory is out of order". Nach 2 Minuten ging es glücklicherweise
auto_chirp I asked again, why my app is suspended. Please help, @Twitter or @TwitterDE . If there are any questions please contact @spinfocl. There are some research projects here that can't work without me! pic.twitter.com/mJ6eKoShHb
qikipedia Until 1979, Sweden classified homosexuality as a mental illness. That year, activists took the classification as an illness to its logical extent - Swedes called in too gay to go to work.
hllizi Love it how this is worded like a mission statement. twitter.com/baekdal/status…
dnnslmr Thrilled to announce that our paper "Assessing #incrementality in sequence-to-sequence models" with @_dieuwke_ and Elia Bruni was accepted at this year's #ACL #RepL4NLP workshop! The preprint is available at arxiv.org/abs/1906.03293 #acl2019 @AmsterdamNLP
hllizi Was treibt den alten Bock um?
AlixEHarrow i don't kill my darlings. i cut and paste my darlings into a separate document, assuring each of them i'll find them a more suitable home, and then let them die of natural causes.
Ajay_prasadh @kalpeshk2011 @MohitIyyer @ACL2019_Italy @ItalyinUS Not sure how Schengen works exactly, but could you fly to a nearby schengen country for which you can get visa and stay for a few days and then visit Italy ?
complingy Wasn’t able to attend *SEM this year, but I really enjoyed reading this paper about English function words by @najoungkim et al. (twitter.com/996roma/status…)! An exciting topic as IMO function words deserve more attention in NLP. My attempt at a summary: