emilymbender Kudos to @natschluter and @adveisner for their work on D&I at #naacl2019. May this good work continue to pay dividends with uptake in future conferences! pic.twitter.com/Nd4j8ZGmVT
samarhdr Thank you for saying this! When I started working on Urdu, I was shocked by the chasm between the 'global' SotA and that on local languages. Maybe replicating/adapting work for low-resource languages should be encouraged instead of being disregarded for lack of technical novelty. twitter.com/emilymbender/s…
Snyder: Three principles of data ethics for the learning loop era
1. No surprises. Make it clear that you're collecting data.
2. Use data the way you say you are—don't sell or share it.
3. Use data for the benefit of those who have provided it.
Kieran Snyder about research and publishing: it's never done. It's a lifetime of inquiry and occasionally you fork it to show to people. #naacl2019
kweenys Diese "durchgängige Reisekette" Einschränkung bei den Fahrgastrechten ist schon sehr ungünstig für alle Inhaber von Dauerkarten, Semestertickets, etc.
@AndiScheuer Hier wäre eine Anpassung wünschenswert um den ÖPNV attraktiver zu machen.
ojahnn This #naacl2019 paper does language identification on a sub-word level! Full paper: aclweb.org/anthology/N19-… "Extend language identification task to subword level, so that it includes splitting mixed words while tagging each part with a language ID. Model based on a segmental RNN" twitter.com/mayhewsw/statu…
there_are_two_ "Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind.”
America - scraping the sky since 1885
To the Springfield I mean Minneapolis Institute of Art! o/
srush_nlp 🧪🎉🍾
Real talk: the early career process is very isolating and difficult. Been writing these full-time the last four summers and have 9 rejections. I am lucky to have fallen into a field that is hot at the moment, but I am awe of other scientists who push onward nonetheless. twitter.com/hseas/status/1…
complingy @emilymbender I think of NLP as the intersection of CL and AI. By that logic I would hope people also describe NAACL as a CL conference.